June 17, 2024

Breaking the Cycles of Worry and Fear

Want to unwind your anxiety? Now, there’s a step-by-step plan clinically proven to break the cycle of worry and fear that drives anxiety and addictive habits. We are living through one of the most anxious periods many of us can remember. Whether facing issues as public as a pandemic or as personal as having kids at home and fighting the urge to reach for the wine bottle every night, we are feeling overwhelmed and out of control. But in his timely book, Unwinding Anxiety: New Science Shows How to Break the Cycles of Worry and Fear to Heal Your Mind, […]
January 2, 2024

Top 50 Foods To Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Did you know that the foods we eat actually play a role in the way we feel mentally? Foods rich in nutrients like magnesium, potassium, zinc, B-vitamins, vitamins C, E, omega-3 fatty acids and amino acid tryptophan can help the body process anxiety-producing hormones and calm the body reducing incidences of stress, anxiety and depression. Here is the ultimate FoodTrients® list of the top 50 foods for stress and anxiety. 1. Almonds Even a small portion of these nuts is packed with healthful plant sterols, fiber, and immune boosting vitamin E and B-vitamin riboflavin. During times of stress and anxiety […]
October 1, 2019

8 Breathing Techniques To Calm Anxiety

Anxiety disorders affect 40 million adults in the United States. Although they’re treatable, only 37 percent of those suffering receive treatment, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Anxiety comes with many physical symptoms, including chest pain, dizziness and brain fog. A panic attack or anxiety episode can be scary and difficult to manage, but experts agree breathing techniques can help during those times. Here are 8 ways to relieve the symptoms of anxiety through breathing. Deep breathing Taking calm, deep breaths can be soothing. It’s going to be best if you can be somewhere away from people […]
July 10, 2018

Your Online Resources for Depression Help

If you or someone you know is suffering from depression, use these resources to find help. Anxiety and Depression Association of America Includes a searchable database of support groups across the country and offers a list of questions you should ask potential counselors, including practical ones (“Do you accept my insurance?”) and more clinical ones (“What is your treatment approach?”). Geriatric Mental Health Foundation Up to 13.5 percent of elderly people suffer from mild to severe depression. Mental Health America Mental health screening tests, educational resources and a search tool for finding an affiliate in your area who can help you […]