April 24, 2018

Keep Stomach Calm With These Healthy Foods

Eating out and binging on fast food is a common problem, which may upset bowel movements. Keep your digestive system calm by consuming a bit of fennel seeds, ginger, yogurt and papaya, say experts. Nutritionist and dietitian Nmami Agarwal and Mehar Rajput, nutritionist and dietitian at Fitpass, have listed a few digestive saviors: Ginger It’s a wonderful overall healthy herb that aids digestion, reduce inflammation and heartburn. This not only relaxes but also soothes the intestinal track. Have a sip of ginger water with few drops of lemon after every meal and feel the benefit of the wonder herb. Fennel seeds […]
January 18, 2017

Health & Wellness: 3 Forgotten Superfoods

In our quest to uncover the newest, most nutrient-dense superfoods from the far reaches of Mother Earth, we