March 27, 2024

5 Ways to Prevent UTIs and Improve Bladder Health

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common and can be quite uncomfortable and even dangerous to your health. They occur when bacteria, such as Escherichia coli (E. coli), enter your urinary tract and multiply in your bladder, causing an infection. The most common symptom of a UTI is a burning sensation when urinating, but other symptoms can include bloody urine, abdominal pain, fever, and the need to urinate often or urgently. Women are more likely to experience UTIs than men, with more than half of all women experiencing a UTI at some point in their lives. The role of diet in […]
January 30, 2023

Try Buffalo Sliders with Sweetened Cranberries

  I chose buffalo meat because it’s almost always raised on grass. Grass-fed meat (whether it’s buffalo, steer, or lamb) is higher in omega-3 fatty acids, lower in omega-6 fatty acids, and leaner overall. Dark red fruits like cranberries really complement red meat, so I decided to work them into the burger patties. Note:  If you can’t find bison meat, you can use any grass-fed meat or even ground turkey for this recipe. For an optional topping, you can make a goat-cheese spread to top the burgers by mixing 1/4 cup goat cheese with 1/2 tsp. of roasted garlic, 1/2 […]
October 10, 2018

Be Thankful for Cranberry Bread Pudding

Cranberry Bread Pudding Cranberries don’t grow in the subtropical climate of Southeast Asia, so when my mother and I wanted to make this dessert, we had to use a local red-colored berry as a substitute. I like this recipe better with cranberries, which are high in immune-boosting vitamin C. They also rank very high on the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) scale, so they have great antioxidant power. Use my Cranberry Compote on the bottom layer (it becomes the top layer when you turn out the dessert). To serve this dessert cold, place the pudding in the refrigerator overnight before […]
April 17, 2018

Eating Right: Brighten Your Day With Red Produce

There is nothing like red fruits and vegetables to warm our hearts — and protect them, too. Here’s an in depth look at some of the season’s reddest, healthiest choices. Pomegranates. Pomegranates are a good source of blood-clotting vitamin K, tissue-repairing antioxidant vitamin C, and filling fiber, but they really stand out for their phytochemicals. The rich, red color of this fruit comes from flavonoids called anthocyanins, which have been linked to numerous health benefits including lower risk of coronary artery disease. Pomegranates also contain ellagic acid, which has been investigated for its cancer-fighting and anti-inflammatory effects. Submerge cut sections […]
November 21, 2011

Cranberry Compote

Cranberries are high in antioxidants and immune-boosting vitamin C. They even have a bit of resveratrol in them—the heart-friendly nutrient found in red wine. This recipe will keep for many days in the refrigerator. I use it in my Cranberry Bread Pudding and on its own as an accompaniment for poultry. YIELDS about 4 cups Ingredients 1/2 cup water 1 cup brown sugar or coconut sugar 1 cup fresh cranberries Procedure 1. Boil the water and sugar in a large nonreactive saucepan, such as copper or enamel-coated cast iron, for about 5 minutes. 2. Add the cranberries and boil until […]