May 11, 2021

Flavors of Spain Will Spice Up Your Health

Over the past year, FoodTrients has been exploring foods and flavors from around the globe. This week, we take a look at the flavors of Spain as part of our new series on the world of foods, herbs and spices that help create some of the distinctive dishes we have featured, and the age-defying benefits they deliver. Due to its location, Spain has a variety of cultural influences from Greece, Northern Europe, Italy, and Northern Africa, which are responsible for introducing foods such as olives, wine, meat pie, stews, and honey to Spain’s cuisine. Fish and other seafood are considered […]
May 5, 2020

Add a World of Flavor with International Spice Blends

I just love to travel! I’m endlessly curious about other cultures and have been fortunate to travel throughout Asia, Europe and North America on a pretty regular basis. Eating and exploring the food in each country or region really gives me insight into their history and how the people live. Spice blends are an easy way to bring international flavor to the most common of foods, like vegetables or chicken breasts. A few shakes of curry powder in an otherwise predicable tuna salad takes it to a new dimension. Following are some spice blends from around the world that are […]
March 4, 2019

Get Saucy! And Add a World of Flavor to Every Dish

Everyone has their favorite sauces to prepare. A sauce can make basic foods like chicken, omelets or pasta sing! And often in different languages. But with each category of sauce, there can be a variation that will create a twist on your old standby. Let’s start with tomato sauce. It’s usually associated with Italian or Mexican foods, but you can easily change the flavor profile to make something slightly exotic. Tomatoes are FoodTrients because they are an excellent source of lycopene, which is an effective antioxidant. Lycopene is in the carotenoid family, which includes beta-carotene, lutein and zeanthin, important compounds […]