July 14, 2024

Do You Need to Take Supplements?

This month FoodTrients writer and nutritionist Ginger Hultin begins her four-part series on vitamins. Part 1 explores the pros and cons of taking supplements. If you have questions about supplements, we’ve got answers to this complex and sometimes confusing topic. The world of supplements is regulated in unique ways that can very much affect your health and pocketbook, too. Some companies offer health promises about supplement products that sound enticing but understanding what’s evidence-based and what isn’t can be a huge challenge. FoodTrients® is here to explore the good, the bad, and the ugly of the supplement world, if any […]
July 14, 2024

5 Amazing Age-Better Foods To Add To Your Diet

Food is Medicine! And some foods can provide benefits that will aid in healthy aging. Antioxidants, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and fiber support the body in many ways including optimizing longevity and wellness. Check out these 5 foods that can make you look and feel more vibrant today as FoodTrients discusses why you should incorporate them into your diet. PINK GRAPEFRUIT All citrus contains antioxidants, fiber and anti-aging compounds like vitamin C but pink grapefruit has some special benefits to offer. Antioxidant spermidine has shown positive results in some animal studies for longevity and in support of healthy cells. A […]
July 2, 2024

Foods That Can Help You Feel Full and Lose Weight

It may seem counterintuitive that eating certain foods can support weight loss but studies have shown a link between some types of foods and better weight management. For example, high fiber foods including whole grains, fruit, vegetables and nuts have been associated with lower body mass index (BMI) in large human studies. A feeling of fullness and concentrated nutrients in these foods may be part of the connection to a reduced BMI, smaller waist circumference and reduced risk of being overweight. It should be noted that simply increasing the amount of any of these foods listed below will not in […]
June 17, 2024

Top 50 Foods To Support Healthy Weight

Controlling your weight isn’t about not eating. . . it’s about eating the right kinds of foods. Studies show us which foods people eat when they have successfully lost weight and kept it off long-term. It’s probably no surprise that these foods are rich in nutrients, low in calories, and high in fiber and water. If your goal is reaching or maintaining a healthy weight for your body, there is a lot you can do. Aside from meeting your physical activity needs, getting enough sleep and controlling your stress, here are the top 50 FoodTrients foods to help support your […]
June 1, 2024

The Beauty of Essential Oils: Here’s Our Guide to the Top 50

Interested in how essential oils could enhance your life? Whether you’re a seasoned essential oil user or a novice, these health-promoting aromas have gained a lot of recognition as people turn to them to treat a variety of ailments, mental health and sleep concerns, and to replace fragrances and conventional home and body care products. Essential oils are produced by steam distillation or cold pressing to capture the aromatic (“volatile”) compounds in plants that give them their characteristic scent. They can be used for aromatherapy by inhaling the scents with a diffuser or by applying directly to the skin. Because […]
April 23, 2024

Try These Top 50 Foods for Your GI System

How’s your gastrointestinal system feeling these days? From the incredible science of the microbiome to general tummy troubles like gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea and pain – the role and health of the ‘GI’ system is on everyone’s mind, especially during the eating-holidays of fall and winter. There are some common denominators to keeping the gut happy. Fiber, anti-inflammatory foods, and soothing substances top the list of 50 foods that support the GI system. Whether you’re feeding the gut with prebiotics, inoculating it with probiotics or simply feeding it to make it work smoothly, you should include these foods in your […]
April 9, 2024

Fight Allergies and Inflammation with Nettles

You may have noticed nettles growing alongside your hiking trails and avoided them because of their notorious stinging bite. But next time you’re out, think about bringing some gloves to collect them – nettles are a nutrition powerhouse! Stinging nettles are one of nature’s many superfoods so read on to learn about the nutritional and healing benefits of this medicinal plant. Growing naturally in many areas of the world, there is good reason that nettles have been used medicinally in Africa, Asia, Europe and America for centuries. Chemical compounds have been identified in the roots, leaves and hairs of the […]
March 27, 2024

5 Best Foods for Beautiful Skin

Here Are 5 Great Foods for Your Skin Winter weather is not kind to our skin. Dryness, redness, flaking or general discomfort abounds as the colder weather continues and we head towards spring. Aside from a slew of lotions and products you are what you eat and your skin is no exception. Foods that are good for your skin, helping to hydrate and guard from environmental damage, have a few things in common including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.  Studies show that antioxidants in foods may work by breaking down and neutralizing free radicals, protecting skin from the sun and increasing […]
March 27, 2024

Probiotics May Improve Your Quality of Life

Probiotics are trending as a hot topic this year because these good bacteria are gaining more scientific evidence that they support human health. Linked to aiding gut health and supporting good bacteria in the lower gastrointestinal (GI) tract, probiotic foods are growing in popularity. Read on to learn more about the role of probiotics in your health and how to include them in your diet today. Probiotics are live organisms used to increase good bacteria in the lower gut. Common probiotics include lactobacillus, bifidobacteria, and saccharomyces which are all strains that can be found in a variety of foods you […]