February 13, 2024

How Many Hours of Sleep Do You Really Need?

I have a retired 64 year-old patient, I’ll call him Bob, who tells me that he never sleeps more than 5-6 hours a night and that he’s always up with the sun, full of energy for his active retiree day and never gets that mid-afternoon sleepy slump.   He’s doing well, has no major health concerns, and this amount of sleep seems to be working well for him. Another patient I have, I’ll call her Ellen, 46 years-old, working full-time every day as a busy legal secretary, tells me she’s a zombie unless she has at least 9 hours of sleep a […]
September 24, 2023

Top 50 Foods That Can Help You Sleep

Sleeping well is one of the most critical things we can do for our health. Working out and eating right can only take you so far if your body is stressed from lack of sleep. It is needed to calm stress hormones like cortisol, to support the natural immune system, for repair and for cleaning out the brain – yes, that happens each night when you sleep! Foods that contain critical nutrients for sleep (including magnesium, calcium, B3, B6, B12, certain amino acids, antioxidants and melatonin regulators) top the list of 50 foods that support great sleep and should be […]
April 11, 2023

Anti-Aging Part 1: Nutrition and Sleep

Research has proven that just by making some adjustments to your lifestyle, and paying more attention to optimum nutrition, sleep, exercise and relaxation, you can prevent many of the physical and mental signs of aging. In Part I of this 2-part series, then, I’d like to explain to you what aging really is and how optimal nutrition, adequate sleep, and relaxation can keep you youthful long into your 90s! Up until about 20 years ago, dealing with aching joints, wrinkles, low testosterone, menopause, insomnia, fatigue, and a host of other symptoms was thought to be an inevitable part of aging. […]
November 22, 2022

Take a Breath! It Can Change Everything

No matter what you eat, how much you exercise, how skinny or young or wise you are, none of it matters if you’re not breathing properly. There is nothing more essential to our health and well-being than breathing: take air in, let it out, repeat twenty-five thousand times a day. Breathing is an essential function for our health and wellbeing, an exercise so basic to sustaining life that we do it without even thinking. But it’s also a lost art. Humans have forgotten how to breathe correctly, so the journalist James Nestor traveled the world to find out where we […]
June 22, 2021

Don’t Sleep Shorter as the Summer Gets Longer

Summer is a time of abundance, everything from fresh vegetables in your garden to long hours of sunshine. The abundance of sunshine will provide our bodies with vitamin D, the “sunshine vitamin”, which supports healthy bones, our immune system and our nervous system. But the long hours of daylight affect people in other ways, such as limiting hours of sleep. There are about 15 hours of daylight between sunrise and sunset during June and July, and when you factor in the twilight and dusk hours, that leaves only about 8 hours of darkness. The long daylight hours can affect our […]
February 4, 2020

Over 50 – This 1 Thing Ages Your Brain Faster

As people get older, they tend to sleep less. The reason why can have a lot of factors. A combination of hormone imbalances, melatonin and other nutritional deficiencies, stress, lack of exercise, or illness can contribute to poor sleep. Just because poor sleep is common to people over age 50, that doesn’t mean it’s a normal part of aging or that it should be ignored. In fact, if you want to stay independent as you get older, you’ll want to know what researchers recently discovered… Over-50: Poor Sleep Makes You Sick and Ages Your Brain Faster I’ve found that many […]