1240 results found for: DISEASE PREVENTION

Walnuts: Abundant Disease Prevention Benefits

The fruit of the oldest tree food known to man, dating back to 7,000 BC, walnuts (Juglans regiaL.) truly stand

Meet the Best Foods for Disease Prevention

(Knowing which foods can help keep you well and prevent disease is key to a healthy life. Staying well is the focus for the fifth part in our series on the nine benefits at the core of FoodTrients® and all of our recipes. What you eat matters, which is why we’ll explore one of these incredible anti-aging benefits each month and show you how they help fight the diseases of aging.) Disease preventing FoodTrients® focus on foods that can help reduce the risk of, or even help navigate chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. Diseases are […]

FoodTrients Cookbooks

Defy aging with every bite of Grace O’s recipes from FoodTrients. From exotic ingredients from around the world to familiar food favorites, Grace O’s recipe for aging beautifully offers the benefits of disease-preventing nutrients, anti-inflammatories, antioxidants, immune-boosting foods, more mental agility, AND beautiful skin. Within weeks of incorporating the nutrient-rich and research-based recipes provided in both of Grace O’s cookbooks

Foodtrients Benefits Icons

What is a FoodTrient?

The inspiration for my empowering FoodTrients program—this website, the cookbook, my board of advisors—really came from my father.  He was a physician and he had a way of looking at food as though it could heal us.  He understood the value of the vitamins and minerals found in fresh foods and how those elements could influence our health.  Foods like organic fruits and vegetables, wild fish, and humanely raised animals have so many good things in it: antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, anti-inflammatory agents, fiber, and anti-bacterial compounds.  I needed to come up with a term to encompass the […]

colorful fruits and veggies

Why We All Need FoodTrients

Defy aging with every bite of Grace O’s recipes from FoodTrients. From exotic ingredients from around the world to familiar food favorites, Grace O’s recipe for aging beautifully offers the benefits of disease-preventing nutrients, anti-inflammatories, antioxidants, immune-boosting foods, more mental agility, AND beautiful skin. Within weeks of incorporating the nutrient-rich and research-based recipes provided in both of Grace O’s cookbooks — first came THE AGE GRACEFULLY COOKBOOK: The Power of Foodtrients to Promote Health and Well-being for a Joyful and Sustainable Life and now THE AGE BEAUTIFULLY COOKBOOK: Easy and Exotic Longevity Secrets from Around the World — along with exercise […]

Blueberry Hempmilk Smoothie

Blueberry Hemp Smoothie Is a Beauty Tonic

Blueberry Hemp Milk Smoothies Hemp is the natural fiber from the stalk of a cannabis plant. Hemp seeds and the hemp milk made from them are beneficial to your skin. The Omega-3 fatty acids in hemp seeds help keep skin hydrated and reduce inflammation. Blueberries have tons of antioxidant power and contain protective anthocyanins. Together hemp milk and blueberries make a superfood smoothie. SERVES 2 Ingredients 2 cups hemp milk 2 cups fresh blueberries 1 banana Crushed ice (optional) Procedure Combine the hemp milk, blueberries, and banana in a blender and mix until smooth, about 1 minute. For a cold […]


Almond Blueberry Gelatin Parfaits

Almond Blueberry Gelatin Parfaits The flavors and colors of the almond and blueberry gelatins play off each other beautifully in this dessert. Benefits: Blueberries rank very high in their ability to fight free oxygen radicals that damage cells. They also contain vitamin C and antibacterial elements called anthocyanosides, which are great for maintaining vein health and your immune system. Almond milk is an excellent source of antioxidants. SERVES 6 Ingredients For Blueberry Gelatin 2 cups blueberry juice 2 envelopes (1 oz. each) unflavored gelatin ¼ cup brown sugar 1 tsp. lemon zest ½ cup chopped fresh blueberries For Almond Gelatin […]

The Broad-Spectrum Protection of Anthocyanins

Consumers hear a lot today about “healthy foods” that are shown to prevent disease. Missing from news broadcasts are details about how to benefit from specific plant components that published studies document help protect against degenerative disorders. In seeking to clarify their knowledge base, scientists are focusing a lot of research on compounds known as anthocyanins, which provide berries and other plants with their rich deep red and purple colors and have been proven to combat multiple pathways of disease. In this report, we provide you with research findings about various anthocyanin-rich plants and how you can access their disease […]

Coffee’s Surprising Heart Benefits

If you’re one of the 150 million Americans that drink coffee on a daily basis, we have good news for you. Despite decades of medical advice from organizations like the American Heart Association that coffee may be bad for your heart, breaking research has proven that moderate coffee consumption offers powerful protection against heart failure and stroke.