July 4, 2023

Foods That Help Balance Your Hormones

Healthy whole foods offering a rich and concentrated source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants are often referred to as “super foods” and can play a significant role in human health. Aside from support to the cardiovascular, neurologic, inflammatory, immune and digestive systems, the plants we eat play a role in balancing hormones. Hormones are a complicated discussion because they are all interconnected and play master regulatory roles in the body. When talking hormone balance, it is important to consider external hormones affecting us from the environment as well. Compounds in food and plastics like the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) can […]
June 20, 2023

Try the Top 5 Teas for Great Skin and Beauty

You may have used tea to support your sleep, lower stress, or even manage inflammation, but have you ever used teas for their skin and beauty benefits? Various teas and herbal blends are all hydrating, which is a key factor in maintaining the health of our skin because keeping it hydrated helps slow the visible aging process, improves appearance, and may even prevent oil buildup and acne. If you already have adequate fluid intake from water and hydrating foods, incorporating teas could enhance the look and feel of your skin because of the rich amounts of antioxidants it provides. This […]
June 6, 2023

Top 50 Foods To Support Healthy Weight

Controlling your weight isn’t about not eating. . . it’s about eating the right kinds of foods. Studies show us which foods people eat when they have successfully lost weight and kept it off long-term. It’s probably no surprise that these foods are rich in nutrients, low in calories, and high in fiber and water. If your goal is reaching or maintaining a healthy weight for your body, there is a lot you can do. Aside from meeting your physical activity needs, getting enough sleep and controlling your stress, here are the top 50 FoodTrients foods to help support your […]
April 11, 2023

Alternative Flours Are Springing Up All Over

The demand for alternative flours has never been greater, and food companies are delivering. As I see it, there are several reasons for this including the fact that many people are avoiding gluten, which is the protein in wheat flour. It can cause gastric distress in some individuals with celiac disease and many other people feel their energy level and well-being improve by avoiding gluten. Whatever the reason consumers are flocking to alternative flours, there are scores of delicious new flours and meals to replace traditional wheat ones. At the Natural Products Expo in Anaheim, CA, last month, the FoodTrients […]
March 14, 2023

Top 10 Teas for Calming, Sleep, and Anxiety

Going through a stressful time at work or home? Struggling to control your anxiety levels or having troubles falling or staying asleep at night? You could already have a natural remedy right in your kitchen that can make a huge difference: tea! While tea also has properties to calm inflammation, boost energy, or even support the immune system, it can also have a calming effect and help reduce anxiety. While there’s a baseline for self-care during stressful times; lean on your support system, seek professional help from a therapist or counselor, eat a balanced diet, hydrate, focus on sleep, and […]
February 25, 2023

Best Oils for Cooking and the Healthiest

For good health, you need to eat some fat every day, but which fats are best for us? Oils are the most efficient energy nutrients you can consume. They help build healthy cell membranes and are essential to the function of your nervous system. Oils help your digestive tract absorb vitamins A, D, E and K. They also assist in regulating hormones, keeping skin soft and supple and cushioning organs. Oils and fats add pleasant taste and texture to food. Different oils are popular in different parts of the world and, depending on whether you are sautéing or making a […]
February 14, 2023

The Top 50 Foods for Beautiful, Healthy Skin

As winter continues, dry, red, flaky skin abounds in the cold weather. The good news is that diet plays a major role in supporting your skin health. Foods that are good for your skin help to hydrate and guard from environmental damage. Beneficial foods contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties in addition to being hydrating and supporting wound healing. Here is the ultimate FoodTrients® list of the top 50 foods for your skin with a holistic view of the many factors that support our largest organ. 1. Arugula This bitter veggie contains nutrients critical for the skin. Arugula is actually a […]
February 14, 2023

Stay Well with These Super Flu-Fighting Foods

This winter we need to be particularly careful to avoid colds and flu. I am just too busy to get sick, so I pay special attention to what I eat. My father was a doctor in Southeast Asia and he always said that if you are in general good health, get plenty of sleep, drink lots of water and wash your hands frequently, you’re doing a lot to prevent a nasty case of the flu. Now, as we fight a pandemic, we need to wear masks in public to protect ourselves and others. Here are some immune-boosting foods that are […]
January 30, 2023

Want to Detox? Try These Top 10 Cleansing Foods!

I love to cook and entertain, especially during the holidays, but this holiday season challenged us all to celebrate differently with Zoom parties, staying at home, and social distancing. For me, baking is a great way to de-stress, and because I believe in indulging friends and family with delicious food, drink and desserts, this year I made my mother’s recipe for fruitcake and my own recipe for biscotti and had them delivered. After a couple of months of holiday meals and baking up a storm, I am ready to start 2022 with a “clean” slate. That calls for some detoxing. […]