November 4, 2024

The Top 50 Foods for Your Immune System

As cold and flu season comes to an end, you may breathe a sigh of relief but keep in mind that a strong immune system is key any time of year. Every day our immune systems protect us against viruses, bacteria and rogue abnormal cells that could even lead to cancer. Antioxidants and vitamins like vitamins A, C, D, E, selenium, and zinc are one crucial piece of the immune picture as are foods with fiber that support a healthy gut microbiome. Here is the ultimate FoodTrients® list of the top 50 foods that boost the immune system to keep […]
October 23, 2024

How You Can Reduce Chronic Inflammation

(This is the first in our series on the nine benefits at the core of FoodTrients® and all of our recipes. We’ll explore each of these incredible anti-aging nutrients and how they help fight the diseases of aging.) Inflammation has been linked to many chronic health conditions from autoimmune disease, cancer, heart disease and diabetes, when it occurs at high levels in the body over a period of time. Defining what it is, when it’s helpful, when it’s not, and what to do about it is critical if you’re focused on optimizing your health. As we explore each FoodTrient and […]
October 23, 2024

Top 10 Teas for Calming, Sleep, and Anxiety

Going through a stressful time at work or home? Struggling to control your anxiety levels or having troubles falling or staying asleep at night? You could already have a natural remedy right in your kitchen that can make a huge difference: tea! While tea also has properties to calm inflammation, boost energy, or even support the immune system, it can also have a calming effect and help reduce anxiety. While there’s a baseline for self-care during stressful times; lean on your support system, seek professional help from a therapist or counselor, eat a balanced diet, hydrate, focus on sleep, and […]
October 8, 2024

5 Ways Mushrooms Support Your Health

Did you know that many mushrooms — some that you can find in the grocery store and others that come in medicinal/capsule form — can support your health in many ways? Mushrooms are often used for their well-known benefits to the immune system or for their anti-cancer effects but there’s emerging research about the power they hold for reducing risk or being part of the treatment plan for chronic diseases like cardiovascular problems, blood sugar balance, liver protection, brain health, and even as a treatment for allergies. Learn more about the incredible power that mushrooms have and how you might […]
October 7, 2024

Cheers to the Top 50 Foods for Happiness

Did you know that food can actually play a role in your mood and happiness levels? So many people live with restricting many foods or feelings of guilt or shame surrounding eating. Others may not get the nutrition they need to fuel the pleasure centers in the brain (think serotonin production), keeping mood stable. The brain uses a full 20% of the calories you take in so fueling it is absolutely critical. Foods that contain compounds like zinc, selenium, B6 and B12, magnesium, omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidants have proven links to brain health and even mood, which is […]
September 24, 2024

Prescription Pain Meds: Here’s What You Need to Know

September marks Pain Awareness Month, a time to shed light on the challenges of people living with pain and the various ways to manage it. While nutrition, lifestyle changes, and natural remedies play vital roles in pain management by reducing inflammation, prescription pain medications are sometimes also a necessary component for those dealing with chronic or severe pain. If you’re considering or currently using these medications, it’s essential to understand how they work, their benefits, and potential side effects so that you can have meaningful conversations with your medical team about how your pain is managed. Overview Prescription pain medications, […]
September 24, 2024

Top 10 Antiviral and Antibacterial Essential Oils

In a world where more bacteria are becoming antibiotic resistant and the population struggles with new, emerging viruses, individuals and researchers are looking to naturally occurring antimicrobial plants and extracts for insights into new ways to fight these dangerous bugs. While there are many situations where conventional antibiotics and medicine are necessary, there are also some ways to include essential oils as a complement or natural alternative. Research is still emerging on the effectiveness of essential oils for fighting bacteria, fungi, and viruses, so we’re highlighting our top 10 antiviral and antibacterial essential oils right here for you. As with […]
September 10, 2024

Want To Age Faster? Eat These Foods

Aging is the process of accumulating damaging changes in cells and consequent diseases that eventually cause decline in a body. Aging is a complex process without a single cause. As the body ages, there is a decreased ability to respond to stress and maintain proper, healthy balance. There are many scientific theories related to aging but a common thread includes the health of bodily systems including immune function, inflammation, or free-radical damage. There are foods that can help support the immune system, calm inflammation in the body and quench free radicals in the form of antioxidants. There are also foods […]
September 10, 2024

How to Know Which Supplements You Need

This month FoodTrients writer and nutritionist Ginger Hultin continues her four-part series on vitamins and supplements. Part 3 explores vitamin deficiencies and what you can do. Despite what the supplement industry may have you believe, in a balanced whole food-based diet you will get most of the vitamins and minerals your body needs. You’ll also get other health boosting ingredients such as phytochemicals, fiber, and antioxidants. However, there are times that supplementation can be beneficial but how to tell what you need can be confusing and complex. Overt signs of deficiency can be hard to assess without lab testing and […]