March 28, 2023

Benefits of Dark Chocolate Make a Sweet Snack

If you have old Valentine’s Day chocolates in the house or are planning to indulge in chocolate for Easter or Passover, you might want to treat yourself and eat up. There are several studies that have found that chocolate — at least dark chocolate — is good for your health. “With an increasing number of studies focusing on chocolate and cardiovascular health, chocolate’s popularity is on the rise and frequently discussed in the media. The reason…is that the cocoa bean, which is one main ingredient in chocolate that is rich in flavanols, has an antioxidant effect that reduces the cell […]
March 13, 2023

Ceramide Intake Reduces Appearance of Wrinkles

Make room on your beauty counter for ceramides. A clinical study has found that oral intake has been linked to reduced signs of aging—including wrinkles that are less deep, fewer fine lines and more moist, youthful skin. You’ve probably already heard of ceramides for skin in moisturizers—these lipids are naturally occurring in skin, but levels decline with age. Adding ceramides as part of an anti-aging routine has been a go-to for years; only more recently have the benefits of an oral ceramide come to light. Oral Ceramides Help Keep Skin Looking Youthful Ceramides in both topical and oral formulas come from grains, and help […]
February 28, 2023

Eating Walnuts May Extend Your Life

Harvard scientists recently found that 60-year-olds who ate five weekly servings of walnuts had a 1.3-year increase in lifespan. Walnuts may protect against diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer’s. Walnuts provide an array of health benefits. New evidence suggests that regular walnut consumption may contribute to a longer life.1 In a landmark study using data collected over 20 years, scientists with Harvard University discovered a link between eating more walnuts and a lower overall risk of death among older adults. This observational study found that 60-year-old Americans who ate five or more servings of walnuts per week lived roughly 1.3 years longer than those who never ate walnuts.1  They also had a 14% lower risk of death from any cause and a […]
February 2, 2023

How To Feel Better Faster During Colds & Flu

Human studies show that elderberry, zinc, and vitamin C, taken in the early stages of a cold or flu, can activate the body’s immune functions and shorten the duration. Colds and flu can make anyone miserable. They pose a particular risk to older adults, who have reduced immune responses.1,2 Human studies show that three nutrients, taken in the early stages of a cold or flu, can activate immune functions to change the course of the illness.3-6 These nutrients can reduce duration and severity, making people feel better faster and decreasing the danger to older adults. Protection Against Colds and Flu Over one billion colds occur in the U.S. each year,7 typically lasting about seven days.8 Up to 20% of Americans contract the flu each […]
January 25, 2023

Feeling Down? It May Not Be Just The Winter Blues…

If you are feeling blue, fatigued or having trouble remembering things and you think it’s just winter doldrums – think  again. It is just possible you might not be getting enough vitamin B12, and you have a deficiency that can cause serious problems, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The many body systems affected by vitamin B12 deficiency underscore the vitamin’s importance in their proper functioning. “The deficiency of the vitamin appears to mimic symptoms of seriously degenerative diseases, and often is not diagnosed ,” said Sally Pacholok, a registered nurse who was diagnosed with a B12 […]
January 20, 2023

The Forgotten Longevity Benefits of Taurine

The Japanese have a life expectancy that is among the highest in the world. In fact, , Japan’s famous “Island of Longevity,” likely has the world’s highest percentage of people over 100 years old. Undoubtedly, there are many factors that play into the life spans of the longest-living populations, but evidence shows that they all have one thing in common: high dietary intake of an amino acid called taurine. The connection between taurine and a long life is so strong that researchers have dubbed taurine, “The nutritional factor for the longevity of the Japanese.” Taurine promotes cardiovascular health, insulin sensitivity, electrolyte balance, […]
January 14, 2023

Six Steps to a Healthier Diet in 2023

As sure as there will be another year, there will be New Year’s resolutions. They usually go something like this: Pay off all debt. Finally quit smoking. Shed those pesky 25 pounds that don’t seem to budge. Despite the wide array of ways we can feel, look and live better, one thing rings true. Most of these resolutions are so extreme that they have very little staying power. “People easily become discouraged when they set big goals because they are too overwhelming,” said Sarah Zangerle, registered dietitian at Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin’s Comprehensive Weight Loss Center. “In […]
December 4, 2022

This Spice Blend Can Help Your Heart Health

More than just flavor enhancers, many common spices do a lot more for your health than you probably think . In fact, a recent study showed a specific spice blend actually lowered triglycerides — a risk factor for heart disease. The results were published in the journal Nutrition Today. Below, we’ll explore the study and its potential implications. Spice Blend Lowers Triglyceride Levels by 31% Researchers from Penn State wanted to investigate the role of spices on heart health. They also reviewed previous studies showing the cardiac benefits of garlic and cinnamon. For the study, they recruited six overweight men between the ages of 30 to […]
November 21, 2022

How Elderberry Helps Relieve Flu Symptoms

Elderberry juice has long been used to help relieve flu symptoms, however, its mechanisms in influenza had not been identified. However, the March 2019 issue of the Journal of Functional Foods published the findings of researchers at the University of Sydney of a mechanism by which elderberries combat influenza Dr Golnoosh Torabian and colleagues administered elderberry juice serum and the elderberry compound cyanidin 3-glucoside to cultured cells prior to, during and after they had been infected with the influenza virus. The researchers observed a direct antiviral effect in association with both elderberry juice and its active compound. “What our study has shown is […]