Anti-Inflammatory Foods Fight Disease
Anti-Inflammatories reduce the inflammatory process in cells, tissues, and blood vessels, helping to slow aging and reduce the risk of long-term disease.
Recipes that include anti-inflammatory foods are below.
Click icon for all FoodTrients anti-inflammatory recipes.
Anti-Inflammatory foods can fight the inflammation that leads to joint pain, irritable bowel syndrome, asthma, allergies, eczema, and even pre-diabetes. To learn more, watch the video and read this article by Dr. Rosenberg called Does Your Diet Include the Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods?
Foodtrients recipes that help reduce inflammation include:
Green Tea Noodles with Edamame
How You Can Reduce Chronic Inflammation
By Ginger Hultin, MS RDN CSO
(This is the first in our series on the nine benefits at the core of FoodTrients® and all of our recipes. We’ll explore each of these incredible anti-aging nutrients and how they help fight the diseases of aging.)
Inflammation has been linked to many chronic health conditions from autoimmune disease, cancer, heart disease and diabetes, when it occurs at high levels in the body over a period of time. Defining what it is, when it’s helpful, when it’s not, and what to do about it is critical if you’re focused on optimizing your health. As we explore each FoodTrient and how they affect your health, let’s start with anti-inflammatory.