28 results found for: Indigestion

Rosemary Blooms with Healing Properties

You’ve likely noticed the herb rosemary being used in creative culinary ways from infused cocktails to ice cream flavors recently but did you know that it also has some healing properties in addition to being fragrant and delicious?  A perennial shrub native to the Mediterranean, rosemary is related to mint and is used as a spice in leaf or oil form. You may even have it growing in your yard this summer as it is easy to cultivate, hearty, and sometimes even used in decoration or as a yard hedge. In manufacturing, rosemary is used for its fragrant scent in […]

Mint: It Does the Mind & Body Good!

If you ask me, mint makes just about everything taste better. It also delivers some impressive benefits: Digestion: Mint is a great palate cleanser, and it promotes digestion. It also soothes the stomach in case of indigestion or inflammation. When your stomach feels sick, drinking a cup of mint tea can give you relief. Nausea and Headache: The aroma of mint leaves, especially freshly crushed leaves help you deal with nausea and headache. Asthma: Regular use of mint is very beneficial for asthma patients, as it is a good relaxant and relieves congestion. But using too much mint this way can also […]

Spice It Up With These Indian Superfoods

Indian food is a hot trend today. It has expanded beyond traditional Indian restaurants onto menus all over the country. It’s no wonder. Today’s more adventurous diners have embraced Indian flavors for some time now, and Indian spices like ginger, coriander, cumin, cayenne, cloves, cardamom and turmeric have been enhancing everything from sweet potato fries to chicken salad. But the added bonus of Indian cuisine is that many of its signature foods have long been prized for their healing properties as well as their great flavors. Ayurveda is the name for India’s ancient medical practices. Most Indian super foods have […]

Keep Stomach Calm With These Healthy Foods

Eating out and binging on fast food is a common problem, which may upset bowel movements. Keep your digestive system calm by consuming a bit of fennel seeds, ginger, yogurt and papaya, say experts. Nutritionist and dietitian Nmami Agarwal and Mehar Rajput, nutritionist and dietitian at Fitpass, have listed a few digestive saviors: Ginger It’s a wonderful overall healthy herb that aids digestion, reduce inflammation and heartburn. This not only relaxes but also soothes the intestinal track. Have a sip of ginger water with few drops of lemon after every meal and feel the benefit of the wonder herb. Fennel seeds […]

Eleven Great Reasons to Love Cilantro

For such a delicate-looking and innocuous herb, cilantro, which is the leaves of the coriander plant, is a little bit controversial. People seem to either love it or hate it. Cilantro looks like flat leaf parsley, but it has a tangy, almost citrusy flavor. Long used in Asian, Indian, Caribbean and Latin American cooking, cilantro gives a bright taste to salads, salsas, meat, chicken and fish. I think it’s the secret ingredient to summer dishes, though you can find it fresh in supermarkets all year round. Given the chance, even the most skeptical can acquire a taste for cilantro. But […]

Hops: For Anxiety, Sleep, and More?

When you think of hops you may think first of beer – a main reason that we grow this crop. But these climbing vines native to Eurasia and North America have a rich history of medicinal use as well. In fact, hops are related to the cannabis plant; they even have some similarities in flavor and aroma. Famous for treating sleep disorders, research on this medicinal plant continues to gain traction (outside the brewing industry!). Medicinally, hops are used for: Anxiety Sleep disorders including insomnia Tension, nervousness, irritability and excitability Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) To stimulate the appetite and treat […]


Get a Wellness Tune-Up with Terrific Tonics

With all the stress so many of us have with packed schedules, deadlines, work and family responsibilities, and more, we could all use a little pick-me-up sometimes. Coffee and alcohol come to mind, but both have serious drawbacks that can affect mood, energy and mental acuity.  When I need a boost to get through a busy day, reduce stress, or to help me sleep, I like to turn to tonics. TONICS Are defined as a medicinal substance, usually taken in beverage form, that provides a feeling of health and well-being. Generally made from herbs and other plant parts such as […]

Try These Top 50 Foods for Your GI System

How’s your gastrointestinal system feeling these days? From the incredible science of the microbiome to general tummy troubles like gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea and pain – the role and health of the ‘GI’ system is on everyone’s mind, especially during the eating-holidays of fall and winter. There are some common denominators to keeping the gut happy. Fiber, anti-inflammatory foods, and soothing substances top the list of 50 foods that support the GI system. Whether you’re feeding the gut with prebiotics, inoculating it with probiotics or simply feeding it to make it work smoothly, you should include these foods in your […]

Eastern European Favorites Walk on the Lighter Side

Eastern European foods are not necessarily known for their healthy attributes. In general, the foods of countries including Russia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Lithuania and the Czech Republic are heavy on meat, sour cream and lard or chicken fat. However, they are delicious comfort foods, no matter where in the world you or your ancestors hail from. In the spirit of FoodTrients, I’ve adapted some recipes to make them lighter, more healthful versions of the originals. Here are a few of the guidelines I used to make these recipes more modern and health-friendly: Add vegetables – By increasing the […]

Catnip Helps People Sleep, Fight Colds

Catnip is an herb that’s not just for cats any longer. In fact, it has a long history of use in folk medicine and some interesting health properties for humans. Native to Europe, Asia and Africa, catnip was brought to the U.S. by early settlers. In traditional medicine, it is used for its sedative and calming properties. It is also widely studied for use as an insect repellant or insecticide. It is often found in tea or as a tincture. Though it drives cats crazy, there are some interesting potential uses as well as warnings and considerations for its use […]