21 results found for: ashwagandha

The Cure: Nature and Old World Medicine?

  Sunlight. Forest bathing. Fasting. Cold-water baths. Bloodletting. Leeches. Cupping. These ways of healing have been practiced in different cultures around the world for centuries. But as a cardiologist working with the most high-tech medical tools, Dr. Andreas Michalsen was taught that these practices were medieval and outdated, even dangerous. As he saw surprising results in his patients, however, Dr. Michalsen explored more deeply those seemingly “outdated” methods of healing. The more he researched, the more he was convinced by the power of natural medicine–naturopathy–to heal the human body. Over the past few decades, Dr. Michalsen has published the most […]

Supplements You Need for Every Life Stage

We keep track of passing time by different means—presidential administrations, our children’s movement through grades, fashion eras, simple decades. Life has many eras of growth and health, and if you’re a doctor, like Colorado-based Integrative Practitioner, Robert Rountree, MD, you would focus on physiology: childhood, post-pubertal teens, young adults, middle-aged, elderly. “There are definite differences in nutritional needs that correspond to each of those phases,” says Rountree. And the good doctor is, of course, spot-on. As you age, your nutrition needs change. Here’s where to focus in each decade of life, and the supplements that can help. Ages 0–10: A […]

Top 10 Teas for Calming, Sleep, and Anxiety

Going through a stressful time at work or home? Struggling to control your anxiety levels or having troubles falling or staying asleep at night? You could already have a natural remedy right in your kitchen that can make a huge difference: tea! While tea also has properties to calm inflammation, boost energy, or even support the immune system, it can also have a calming effect and help reduce anxiety. While there’s a baseline for self-care during stressful times; lean on your support system, seek professional help from a therapist or counselor, eat a balanced diet, hydrate, focus on sleep, and […]