216 results found for: Memory

Seaweed – The Ancient Asian Superfood

Increasingly, my patients have become more and more interested in trying to improve their health using natural foods and supplements.  Lately, several of them have asked me about seaweed – the centuries old staple of Chinese, Korean and Japanese cultures revered for its many health benefits.  As I tell my patients, seaweed – a sea vegetable – has many outstanding nutritional benefits that are worth taking advantage of.  Here’s what you should know about seaweed. Seaweed – A Legendary Nutritional Powerhouse If you’ve ever eaten sushi – a traditional Japanese food – you may know that the edible wrapper that […]

DHEA: The Anti-Stress, Anti-Aging Hormone

Dear Health-Minded Reader, Your doctor may prescribe a drug called Prasterone. It has some wonderful benefits: lowers your risk of cancer, beats depression, improves bone density, just to name a few. What the drug makers don’t tell you is that Prasterone is nothing more than a synthetic version of DHEA – the natural hormone I’ve been talking about for years. In today’s Health Alert, I’ll show you how to tap the power of this hormone – without paying hundreds of dollars. Let the Good Times Roll I call DHEA the “anti-stress hormone.” It’s the most abundant product of the adrenal glands. DHEA […]

Sexy Health Benefits of Korean Panax Ginseng

One of my fondest memories as a young teenager were that of my grandparents coming to stay at our house every summer on one of their annual cross-country road trips from their home out west. It was the first time I had ever heard of Korean ginseng, or as its sometimes also called Korean Panax ginseng, an herb native to Korea and China. Every morning, my grandfather would ritually take his Korean ginseng capsules. He was 82 at the time and still in great physical shape, looking 2 decades younger and full of energy.  My grandmother, age 78, also took the […]

Nutrient ‘Cocktail’ Delays Aging and Extends Life Span

An international coalition of researchers has proved in the laboratory that a comprehensive ‘cocktail’ of nutritional supplements significantly increased youthful life span. Since aging is a multifactorial process with overlapping causes, scientists formulated a 30-ingredient nutrient mixture with overlapping benefits designed to halt or slow the major causes of aging. The nutrient mixture, developed by a team of life scientists led by Dr. C. David Rollo of McMaster University in Canada, targets five key mechanisms of aging. Researchers postulated that by slowing or reversing these five universal processes, they could slow or reverse the major factors of aging. While this […]

Diabetes, Celiac Disease and Tinnitus – The Vitamin B12 Link

Research has shown that tinnitus can be caused by a vitamin B12 deficiency.  B12 deficiency is also a common complication in diabetes and celiac disease as they both share the inability to absorb B12 properly.  People who have celiac disease and type II diabetes also have higher rates of nerve-damage related conditions like tinnitus.  In addition, the older you get, the more at risk you may be for developing both a B12 deficiency and tinnitus.  Why? As you get older, you lose a great deal of your ability to absorb B12 from your food through your intestine. Recent research has […]

How DHA Helps the Brain

In an article published online on June 20, 2012 in the journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, researchers at the University of Alberta in Edmonton provide an explanation for the ability of the omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, found in oily fish and algae) to support memory. A team led by Yves Sauve, who is a member of the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, divided ten mice to receive a diet supplemented with DHA or an unsupplemented diet.  Animals that received DHA-enhanced diets were found to have a 29 percent higher level of DHA in the brain’s […]

Tea for You: Cold Brew Boosts the Brain

When it’s hot out, a cup of iced tea is very refreshing, and the benefits far outweigh so many other drinks on the market. The theaflavins in both green and black teas help improve blood flow, keeping your skin fresh and your brain young.

Vitamin C Critical For Developing Fetal Brain

Findings from a study of guinea pigs published on October 31, 2012 in the journal PLoS One reveal a significant role for vitamin C in fetal brain development. Guinea pigs, along with humans, cannot manufacture their own vitamin C, which makes them a useful animal model of ascorbate deficiency. Professor Jens Lykkesfeldt and his associates at the University of Copenhagen divided 80 pregnant guinea pigs to receive a diet that contained a high or low amount of vitamin C. Upon their birth, pups from each group of mothers were also divided to receive diets containing high or low levels of the vitamin. […]

The Top Eight Nuts For Your Good Health

It’s that holiday time of year again when food and snacks are everywhere.  It’s almost impossible to ignore the lure of snack bowls filled with candies, nuts, and chips, at parties or office get-togethers.

How Reishi Combats Aging

Over the past several decades, scientific research has intensified and focused on analyzing the hundreds of unique bio-active compounds found in the medicinal Reishi Mushroom. Just this year alone, three new compounds were discovered. With each new finding, intriguing medical applications for Reishi have emerged. There is now a wealth of impressive data that demonstrates Reishi’s life extending properties, but also its significant ability to stimulate brain neurons, search and destroy cancer cells and prevent the development of new fat cells in obese individuals. As an example of growing science supporting Reishi, researchers using laboratory mice have detailed life span […]