322 results found for: STRENGTH

How Probiotics Help Create Healthy Skin

If you came into my office and asked me how you could create healthier, younger-looking skin, one of the things I would ask you about is your intestinal health.  You may wonder what the connection is and this is what I’d tell you. Beautiful Skin Reflects A Healthy Gut – Probiotics Can Help  Your skin needs a lot of things to stay healthy and look its best.  It needs adequate water to stay hydrated and prevent sagging, careful cleansing and moisturizing, some sun protection, a nutrient-rich diet, and adequate sleep.  Dull, unhealthy looking skin makes you look much older.  What […]


Mind and Beauty Juice

This juice blend is specifically formulated to help the skin look young and beautiful while protecting the mind. I use my Blendtec® Tabletop Total Blender to pulverize the carrots, cantaloupe, and cucumber. Carrots and melons have carotenoids, an antioxidant that fights skin aging. Cucumbers have silica, a mineral that helps skin retain moisture. I add a raw egg white for its collagen-building strength and its choline which supports healthy brain function. And I stir in nutritious green tea because its catechins will help keep teeth cavity-free and brains sharp. Serves 2 Ingredients 1 (16-oz.) bag of organic baby carrots ½ cantaloupe, rind […]

The 5 Secrets to the Biggest Loser

For some strange reason most of John Q Public is continually fascinated by the TV show ‘The Biggest Loser’.

Jujubes Are Small ‘Apples’ With Big Benefits

  The Chinese have been growing and eating jujubes for over 4,000 years. Jujube, or Chinese date, trees are shrub-like with thorny branches. The fruits are shaped like small apples that are green when unripe and turn brownish red. As they ripen and age they wrinkle and shrink to the size of a large date. The flesh of the fruit is most like an apple when it’s unripe. As it ripens it becomes soft and spongy. Asians generally steep slices of jujubes in hot water and make a jujube tea. Sometimes they reduce the tea on the stove and add […]

These 4 Things Can Help Preserve Your Bone Health

Like many of my patients, you may be wondering what you can do to keep your bones stronger as you get

Keep Your Bones Strong With The Best Exercise

Bones can become weak at any age, but just growing older does put you at higher risk for fractures and/or developing osteoporosis. However, it isn’t a given that you suffer bone loss or weakness as you age. You can continue to have healthy bones long into your golden years if you give them what they really need – the right nutrientsand the right exercise.  Allow me to share with you, then, the best exercise to keep your bones strong and healthy. Work Those Bones    You may think of osteoporosis as more of a “woman’s disease” as TV ads touting certain bone-building drugs […]

Astaxanthin: An Antioxidant With “Star” Qualities

Many of my patients are on the lookout for anti-aging news and products that will help them stay younger-looking, stronger and healthier as they age.  Perhaps you, too, are looking for the best anti-aging products and information you can find.  Well, you’ve come to the right place, as anti-aging medicine is my specialty. I’d like to tell you about one of the best anti-aging substances out there – literally a “star” amongst antioxidants. Astaxanthin – An Amazing Carotenoid The Greek word “asta” means “star-like” and even has been translated as “love” itself.  Xanthin means yellow in Greek and is a […]

Keep Your Holidays Healthy With Superfoods!

If you’re like most of my patients, you worry that eating all those rich holiday foods in the upcoming weeks will sabotage your diet and healthy-eating efforts.

The Top Eight Nuts For Your Good Health

It’s that holiday time of year again when food and snacks are everywhere.  It’s almost impossible to ignore the lure of snack bowls filled with candies, nuts, and chips, at parties or office get-togethers.

Hot Tea: A Steamy Love Story

Serving and enjoying hot tea is a daily ritual in many countries. Most Brits wouldn’t dream of skipping their 4 p.m. cuppa. Good for them, because black tea contains the FoodTrient catechins, as well as flavonoids, theaflavins, and magnesium.