982 results found for: Blood Pressure

Thanksgiving dinner

Have a Healthy and Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving doesn’t have to be a carb-loaded, over-eating frenzy. You can make satisfying, healthy, anti-aging food choices for this holiday that will leave you feeling thankful for indulging. Take turkey, for example. I cook at least four turkeys each Thanksgiving because I usually have about 30 people over for dinner. Turkey contains tryptophan, which produces niacin, giving us energy. Tryptophan also builds the hormone serotonin, which helps ensure healthy neurotransmitters in our brain. Turkey also contains the FoodTrient selenium, a detoxifying antioxidant. You don’t have to drown your turkey in fatty gravy. It can be deliciously sauced using healthier ingredients. […]

Astaxanthin: An Antioxidant With “Star” Qualities

Many of my patients are on the lookout for anti-aging news and products that will help them stay younger-looking, stronger and healthier as they age.  Perhaps you, too, are looking for the best anti-aging products and information you can find.  Well, you’ve come to the right place, as anti-aging medicine is my specialty. I’d like to tell you about one of the best anti-aging substances out there – literally a “star” amongst antioxidants. Astaxanthin – An Amazing Carotenoid The Greek word “asta” means “star-like” and even has been translated as “love” itself.  Xanthin means yellow in Greek and is a […]

High Caffeine Energy Drinks Could Pose A Health Hazard

Recently a 14-year-old Maryland girl died after drinking 2 Monster Energy drinks in a 24-hour period.  One 24 oz can has as much caffeine as seven 12 oz cans of regular soda.  That means this girl took in 14 times the amount of caffeine in 2 cans of regular soda in 24 hours.  It was also learned that the girl had an underlying heart condition which this jolt of caffeine aggravated and lead to her death. In addition, at least 4 other people have died after drinking high-energy drinks. As a result, the FDA has stepped in to investigate, not […]

Mustard Crusted Tri Tip

Mustard-Crusted Tri-Tip

      Mustard is a highly popular and widely used condiment that has sparked interest among nutritionists. Its detoxifying selenium and magnesium have anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce blood pressure. Its phytonutrients seem to inhibit the growth of certain cancer cells. Mustard also stimulates the saliva glands, aiding in digestion. I like to use Dijon mustard for the crust on this tri-tip, but you can use any flavorful prepared mustard. As with all red meat, the lysine in the beef repairs tissue and helps skin build new collagen. I use grass-fed beef for its omega-3s and other healthful […]

Keep Your Holidays Healthy With Superfoods!

If you’re like most of my patients, you worry that eating all those rich holiday foods in the upcoming weeks will sabotage your diet and healthy-eating efforts.

The Top Eight Nuts For Your Good Health

It’s that holiday time of year again when food and snacks are everywhere.  It’s almost impossible to ignore the lure of snack bowls filled with candies, nuts, and chips, at parties or office get-togethers.

Anti-Inflammatory foods

Does Your Diet Include the Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods?

The New Year is just beginning and many of you have resolved to make some healthy changes in your life.  Some of you may want to lose a few pounds, or plan to get more exercise, which are both important changes to make. However, you may not be aware that one of the easiest, yet most important things, you can do to create a healthier you is to change your diet.  That’s right. By simply adding more of the right foods to your diet, and decreasing the wrong ones, you can dial down your risk for getting serious disease and […]

Hot Tea: A Steamy Love Story

Serving and enjoying hot tea is a daily ritual in many countries. Most Brits wouldn’t dream of skipping their 4 p.m. cuppa. Good for them, because black tea contains the FoodTrient catechins, as well as flavonoids, theaflavins, and magnesium.

How Reishi Combats Aging

Over the past several decades, scientific research has intensified and focused on analyzing the hundreds of unique bio-active compounds found in the medicinal Reishi Mushroom. Just this year alone, three new compounds were discovered. With each new finding, intriguing medical applications for Reishi have emerged. There is now a wealth of impressive data that demonstrates Reishi’s life extending properties, but also its significant ability to stimulate brain neurons, search and destroy cancer cells and prevent the development of new fat cells in obese individuals. As an example of growing science supporting Reishi, researchers using laboratory mice have detailed life span […]

Oranges & Vitamin C

At the first sign of a runny nose many of my patients load up on Vitamin C for its protection and relief from the common cold. Some take vitamin C in supplement form whereas others prefer to stock up on juices and fruits. What most people are surprised to learn is that an orange does not top the list of fruits for vitamin C content although it is the most common. Other fruits such as guava, kiwi, and strawberries actually contain more vitamin C than citrus.