May 11, 2021

FDA Asks Women To Protect Themselves

This month, the Food and Drug Administration sent a special women’s health alert and unveiled a new webpage urging caution for anyone using formaldehyde in hair-smoothing treatments, sometimes referred to as Brazilian blowouts. Records obtained by EWG show that FDA scientists urged the agency to ban formaldehyde in hair-smoothing treatments in 2015 and 2016, and grew increasingly frustrated with the slow pace of regulation. The records showed that FDA agreed to move forward with a ban in 2016 but ultimately never took action. FDA’s new webpage advises women considering a Brazilian blowout not to use the treatments at home, read the list of […]
December 5, 2017

The Beauty and Health Benefits of Biotin

You may have heard of biotin supplements for hair and nail growth. But does it work? And what is it anyway? This vitamin underdog is in fact a B vitamin – B7 – and is critical for other reasons lesser known but important to the body, hair growth aside. Why do we believe biotin creates silky locks? What else is it used for? Where do we find it? Read on to learn what you need to know about biotin. Medicinally, biotin is used for: ·         Treating biotin deficiency ·         Brittle nails ·         Diabetes ·         Peripheral neuropathy Biochemically in the human […]
October 13, 2014

Keep Hair Healthy With These Foods

I have a patient, I’ll call him Steve, who at the great boomer age of 66 has one of the greatest heads of hair I’ve ever seen. One day I asked Steve his secret and he said he really didn’t do anything special but tried to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle.
June 3, 2014

All About Biotin

Biotin is part of the B vitamin family. Like the rest of its members, it plays a key role in the body’s metabolic processes. Mainly known for the benefits it confers to nails, biotin is needed for so much more. Deficiencies may lead to many health problems and can even be deadly. Biotin has also been called vitamin H, which stands for haar and haut – German words for hair and skin – where biotin deficiency often shows itself. Biochemist Dean Burk is credited as being one of the co-discoverers of biotin in the early 1930s. Biotin Deficiencies Happen Although biotin is made in the intestinal […]
January 21, 2014

FoodTrients: A Recipe for Beauty

We all know by now that the right foods can help us maintain a healthy weight, keep our arteries unclogged, and reduce inflammation. But antioxidant-rich foods also help us to stay beautiful and keep our skin looking youthful and glowing. Hydrating, collagen-building foods help skin remain smooth and elastic and they also strengthen hair. Foods rich in carotenoids give skin a warm glow and keep the eyes healthy. Hydrating foods, like oats, rice, cucumbers, mangoes, asparagus, and strawberries, contain silica, a mineral that helps form collagen to keep skin elastic. Silica also strengthens hair and renders it less likely to […]
July 9, 2013

Good Hair Starts With Good Nutrition!

Many of my patients, particularly those over 40, ask me if there is anything they can do about the look of their hair – it’s lost its healthy, youthful shine, and just doesn’t seem to be as thick as it used to be. There’s a whole lot you can do for your hair just by following some simple rules of good nutrition and supplementing with the correct vitamins. When your body is healthy, it shows in your hair and your nails. In fact, I can often tell when a patient’s nutritional status is out of whack just by looking at […]