August 30, 2022

How Do Antioxidants Work in the Body?

Your mother was right when she insisted you eat all your vegetables at dinnertime before moving on to dessert. Virtually every fruit and vegetable contains antioxidants. Fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and beans are so good for our bodies, because they contain a host of antioxidants that can be broken down into multiple categories. I thought it would be helpful to highlight a few of those subcategories here. Lycopene – found in tomatoes, lycopene is more bioavailable when cooked, which is why so many nutritionists recommend tomato paste or tomato sauce. Polyphenols -There are thousands of phenolic compounds in food including: […]
May 30, 2022

Age Beautifully with FoodTrients

As I’ve been telling my story these past few years about how I developed an anti-aging cookbook based on the food-is-medicine principle called FoodTrients, I’ve expanded my method for creating delicious, comforting recipes designed to keep you young, healthy and beautiful. It’s a lot easier than I imagined, and it’s the focus of The AGE BEAUTIFULLY COOKBOOK: Easy and Exotic Longevity Secrets from Around the World. The recipes are mainly quick and easy to make, and will introduce readers to age-defying foods and flavors from around the world, with a focus on beauty that emanates from the inside. As I […]
May 28, 2022

Going Green: Eat Green To Improve Your Health

There are dozens of diets that promise better nutrition and rapid weight loss. But the simplest way to improve your health is to make like Kermit & go green. Pistachios They take a little effort to crack open, but pistachios are worth it, as they contain the important brain nutrient vitamin B6 and 18 percent of your daily requirement of thiamine (vitamin B1). Try adding chopped pistachios to chocolate desserts—brownies, ice cream or tarts for color, crunch, flavor and nutrients. Use in a recipe: Warm Pistachio, Chicken, and Hearts of Palm Salad Pumpkin seeds Full of zinc, antioxidant phytonutrients and protein, […]
April 13, 2021

Spices of the World: Ikaria, Greece

Over the past year, FoodTrients has been exploring foods and flavors from around the globe. This week, we introduce a new series on the world of herbs, spices and ingredients that help create some of distinctive dishes we have featured and the age-defying benefits they deliver. Ikaria is a beautiful Greek island located in the Aegean Sea and is known as a ‘blue zone’ due to many residents living well into their 90s. Cases of dementia almost non-existent. Often relying on only what can be grown at home, Ikarians consume diets high in fruits and vegetables, drink goat milk and […]
December 14, 2020

Braised Greens Mix It Up with Squash

Nutrient-dense kale and chard team up with butternut squash, which adds brilliant color, fiber, and antioxidants. Mix it up by using other greens and winter squash. Sprinkle with finely chopped almonds before serving for an appealing crunch and extra dose of healthy fats. Braised Greens and Butternut Squash Serves 6 Ingredients: 1 small butternut squash (about 2 pounds) 2 Tbs. olive oil 4 large cloves garlic, minced 1/8-1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes 2-4 Tbs. cooking liquid (vegetable broth, white wine, or water) 1 large bunch (12 ounces) kale, tough stems and ribs removed, leaves cut into 1/2-inch-wide strips 1 […]
July 14, 2020

5 Healthy Foods for Your Brain

When reading Dr. Eric R. Braverman’s book, Younger (Thinner) You Diet, I was impressed by how much space he devotes to eating foods that promote brain health. I’ve known for years that eating the right antioxidant-rich, organic foods can keep your body young and healthy. But I didn’t realize how much our diet can affect our brains. Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for feeding the brain, which needs fat to produce neurotransmitters. This means ingredients such as: Salmon – Salmon is an excellent source of heart-healthy Omega-3 fatty acids, which can also help improve cognition. Fresh produce – One study found that seniors who ate close to […]
April 26, 2020

Fresh Vegetable Herb Salad

Getting bored with regular green salads? Toss things up with a fresh spring salad packed with flavor and protein to keep you full and energized. Tofu is a versatile and easy-to-make protein source that adds texture to this flavorful salad. A light lemon-herbed dressing perfectly suits a combination of favorite garden veggies. Given the hearty nature of this salad, it travels well and makes great leftovers. Packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory benefits, be sure to include this simple, tasty salad as a side dish at your next dinner or picnic. Because of the marinating, cooking and cooling time in this […]
March 18, 2020

What Are the 7 Top Foods To Fight Cancer?

I have long believed that people can transform their health with the foods they eat. I encourage patients with a wide array of conditions to examine their diets in addition to using traditional treatments and medicines. For some, adopting a healthy diet full of produce, whole grains and lean protein can improve symptoms through weight loss. For people with certain diseases, choosing foods with unique, wellness-promoting qualities can provide a major boost to their health. For those seeking to actively prevent cancer, the foods you eat can bring big health benefits. Countless studies have been done on the effects of different diets or […]
November 5, 2019

Brussels Sprouts: A Mighty Cancer-Fighting Vegetable

Brussels sprouts may be small but they offer big benefits. These mighty sprouts represent a cancer-fighting powerhouse and are part of the cruciferous cabbage family which have more cancer-preventative nutrients than any other category of vegetables. They contain a chemical called sinigrin that suppresses the development of pre-cancerous cells, causing them to self-destruct. The sulfur-containing compounds in Brussels sprouts are what activate the cancer-fighting enzyme systems in your body. They are delicious and take on an almost creamy texture when they are roasted with olive oil, a little salt, pepper and a splash of lemon juice. Brussels sprouts, pomegranate, and […]