June 17, 2024

Longevity: The Secrets of Mediterranean Cuisine

I’ve written about Mediterranean cuisine and the Mediterranean diet before. But it’s worth writing about again because it’s so delicious and so good for you! Cardiologists recommend a Mediterranean diet with its healthy fats, lean proteins and whole grains for weight control and a healthy heart. If there is one word that most defines the cuisines of the Mediterranean, it’s VEGETABLES! Sure, there’s plenty of meat, chicken, seafood and fruit, but the basis is an abundance of vegetables and creative ways to enjoy them. When describing a Mediterranean diet, we’re talking about the cuisines of Southern Europe—France, Spain, Italy, Greece, […]
June 1, 2024

Eat To Build, Repair and Maintain Muscle

Even if you don’t consider yourself an athlete or body-builder—as I certainly do not—you should be concerned with muscle health. Skeletal muscles are the tissues that enable your body to move, whether it’s gardening, a stroll in the park or a triathlon. Smooth or visceral muscles are the ones that line the stomach, intestines and blood vessels. And keep in mind that the all-important heart is made up of specialized cardiac muscle that must work continuously without a break our whole lives. In total, muscles account for about half your body weight. That’s a lot of mass to keep healthy […]
May 20, 2024

Put These Good-for-You Grains on Your List

Cultivating grains is what changed our Neolithic ancestors from hunter-gatherers to an agrarian society about 10,000 years ago. In the grass family of plants, grains are a part of the human diet all over the world, providing complex carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, and minerals. I’ve put together a list of grains, some of which you may have heard of and some that may be completely new to you. Among them are ancient grains that people are rediscovering and incorporating into meals in creative and tasty ways. Characteristically, these grains are unrefined, have a firmer texture and more flavor than highly processed […]
May 7, 2024

Fonio: Are These Tiny Grains the Next Big Thing?

You may have decided that quinoa is ‘soooo 2016.’ Yes, it’s a healthful grain from Peru that was all the rage a few years ago, and rightfully so. It’s versatile, nutritious and contains twice the protein of white rice, and it’s gluten free. If you really want to be on the cutting edge when it comes to grains, try fonio. It’s an ancient grain that’s been cultivated in West Africa for thousands of years. The plant itself is extremely drought-tolerant and sustainable. With grains the color and texture of fine sand, it’s known as ‘The Seed of the Universe, the […]
May 7, 2024

Secrets of Okinawa: A Diet for Longevity

Okinawa is in the southern-most prefecture of Japan, straddling the East China and the Philippine Seas. With its white, tropical beaches and turquoise waters, it’s not what you usually imagine when you think of Japan. Besides being known as the location of a U.S. Army base, Okinawa is one of the five ‘Blue Zones’ described by journalist, author and National Geographic fellow, Dan Buettner. These are five populations throughout the world with unusually high numbers of individuals who live happier, healthier lives, often to one hundred and beyond. In a nutshell, what these societies have in common is they: 1. […]
May 7, 2024

Salt – The Good, the Bad, the Benefits!

Salt has been one of the most vilified substances in the world of food. Too much of it can contribute to high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. There is way too much of it in processed foods. It can cause water retention and bloating. These things can be true, but there can be an even greater danger in not getting enough salt. Salt is also an important seasoning tool that puts the finishing touch on most dishes. I need to watch how much salt I put in my food so I try to boost flavors with other spices, but […]
April 23, 2024

Age Better with These Recipes for Beauty

You don’t have to look like Margot Robbie (who plays Barbie in the movie, in case you’ve been living in a cave) to be beautiful. We’ve all seen certain women (and men) who may not have movie star features, but their shiny hair, glowing skin, and all-over projection of health and energy makes them extremely attractive. By eating right, most anyone can achieve or retain good looks while boosting their health. According to Ginger Hultin, the FoodTrients nutritionist and dietitian, eating a healthy diet can play a role in long-term beauty in the following ways: Skin elasticity and color ● […]
April 23, 2024

Spring Is Here and Everything’s Coming Up Cauliflower

Is cauliflower the new kale, or just an old favorite rediscovered and reinvented? A member of the nutrition-packed, cruciferous cabbage family along with Brussels sprouts and broccoli, cauliflower is anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich, and may boost both heart and brain health. Eating cauliflower provides impressive amounts of vitamin C, vitamin K, beta-carotene, and much more while supporting healthy digestion and detoxification. Cauliflower has indoles (sulfur compounds) that help to prevent cancer by neutralizing carcinogens. It also contains SOD (superoxide dismutase), an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that fights free-radical damage in your cells and keeps skin youthful-looking. A great way to enjoy cauliflower […]
April 9, 2024

Golden Berries Are an Anti-Aging Treasure

Golden berries go by many names. Some call them ground cherries. They grow on bushes, individually wrapped in husks like their cousin, the tomatillo. They are native to the Andes, which is why some people call them Inca berries or Aztec berries or even Peruvian cherries. Golden berries also grow in South Africa, where they are known as Cape gooseberries. Whatever you call them, just be sure to eat these bright yellow-orange fruits about the size of a cherry. Here in America, we most often see golden berries dried because they have a short growing season and an even shorter […]