May 25, 2022

11 Foods to Boost Your Energy & Workout

If you’ve been following a regular workout regime, you deserve applause. I try to walk and swim as often as I can. Whether you run a few times a week, hike on the weekends or go to the gym, regular exercise is one of the most reliable ways to live a healthier life. Whatever kind of workout you practice, there are foods that can help you make the most of any exercise routine. Even though there are performance-enhancing supplements, eating the right foods is the most reliable way to build muscle and recover efficiently from workouts. Some of my favorite […]
August 11, 2021

Take the Strong Path To Aging Better

What is sarcopenia? The term “sarcopenia” was invented recently by Irwin Rosenberg. In 1989, he first referred to loss of skeletal muscle mass and size as “sarcopenia,” by combining the Greek word for “flesh” (Sarx) with the Greek word for “loss” (penia).  At the time, it was thought that the degenerative process being described was led by the loss of lean muscle mass with aging. Today, it is understood that inactivity causes muscles to lose strength through a process of denervation, the loss of nerve supply that signals muscle cells to act.  It impacts all of us as we age, […]
January 21, 2020

Rules for Living Longer

When it comes to age, most everyone desires to hit triple digits — 100 and more. Who wouldn’t want to join the centenarian club? Luckily for seniors living in the 21st century, it’s now easier for you to reach your 100th birthday today than ever before — if you take care of your health and follow experts’ advice. According to Science magazine, with the currently expanding life spans of modern man, all it would take for the average life span to reach 99 years is the elimination of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Dr. Chris Matsko, coauthor of How to Live […]
October 1, 2019

The Facts on Carb Loading

The single most important nutritional factor in athletic performance is, you guessed it, carbohydrate intake. As we dash into marathon and track season, many athletes are looking for ways to fuel their bodies properly and have an edge over the competition. Carbohydrates are indispensable to athletes; they are nature’s high-octane fuel for the body. Implementing carbohydrate loading is a relatively simple way to maximize performance. However, despite what your high school coach might have told you, it’s not just eating spaghetti the night before the event. Here are some tips for doing it right: Start early. Effective carb loading begins […]
May 14, 2019

These 4 Things Can Help Preserve Your Bone Health

Like many of my patients, you may be wondering what you can do to keep your bones stronger as you get
April 30, 2019

How To Achieve Your Fitness Goals

You can have all the strategies in the world to reach your health and fitness goals, but without two key elements, attaining those goals will be difficult, if not impossible. The missing pieces of the puzzle? Inspiration and motivation. The two words get used interchangeably and although they’re connected, the two are different. “Inspiration is the match that lights you up, while motivation is the fuel that keeps the flame going,” says Amy Charland, wellness coach with the Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program in Rochester, Minnesota. Take, for instance, Charly Laura Rok (left), 51, a publicist in New York City. […]
March 19, 2019

The Secret Life of Fat Is Exposed

The secret to losing 20 pounds? You have to work with your fat, not against it. You may not love your fat, but your body certainly does. In fact, your body is actually endowed with many self-defense measures to hold on to fat. For instance, fat can use stem cells to regenerate, increase our appetite if it feels threatened, and use bacteria, genetics, and viruses to expand itself. How can you succeed against odds like that? By using the latest scientific research. Author Sylvia Tara’s new book, The Secret Life of Fat, brings together cutting-edge research with historical perspectives to reveal fat’s true identity: an endocrine organ that, […]
February 18, 2019

Want To Live Longer & Healthier? Here’s How You Can Do It

LAS VEGAS ( January 23, 2019)–In December, the FoodTrients team and I were in Las Vegas to attend the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress (A4M). This is an intense three days of speakers, workshops and exhibits presenting clinical education and advances in the most recent research, studies and healthcare practices as they relate to wellness and aging successfully. Many of the sessions were geared toward medical professionals, but we were able to glean valuable information to share with you in lay-person terms. Dr. Peter Attia is a physician who began his medical career as a surgeon. His practice […]
January 23, 2019

Dynamic Aging: How To Change Your Habits

LOS ANGELES ( January 23, 2019)–What if your pain and lack of mobility isn’t due to your age, but your habits? What if changing how you move can change how you feel, no matter your age? Author Katy Bowman’s Dynamic Aging: Simple Exercises for Whole-Body Mobility, is an exercise guide to restoring movement, especially for healthy feet, better balance, and the activities of daily life. Biomechanist and movement teacher Katy Bowman shares exercises and habit modifications for varying fitness and mobility levels. Bowman teaches people new ways to move their bodies. She has worked with groups of competitive athletes, young […]