March 27, 2024

Probiotics May Improve Your Quality of Life

Probiotics are trending as a hot topic this year because these good bacteria are gaining more scientific evidence that they support human health. Linked to aiding gut health and supporting good bacteria in the lower gastrointestinal (GI) tract, probiotic foods are growing in popularity. Read on to learn more about the role of probiotics in your health and how to include them in your diet today. Probiotics are live organisms used to increase good bacteria in the lower gut. Common probiotics include lactobacillus, bifidobacteria, and saccharomyces which are all strains that can be found in a variety of foods you […]
March 27, 2024

Anti-Inflammatory Foods Fight Disease

ANTI-INFLAMMATORY Anti-Inflammatories reduce the inflammatory process in cells, tissues, and blood vessels, helping to slow aging and reduce the risk of long-term disease. Recipes that include anti-inflammatory foods are below. Click icon for all FoodTrients anti-inflammatory recipes. Anti-Inflammatory foods can fight the inflammation that leads to joint pain, irritable bowel syndrome, asthma, allergies, eczema, and even pre-diabetes. To learn more, watch the video and read this article by Dr. Rosenberg called Does Your Diet Include the Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods? Foodtrients recipes that help reduce inflammation include: Thai Shrimp & Pineapple Curry Oatmeal Date Cookies Spicy Candied Walnuts Green Tea Noodles […]
March 27, 2024

Can Genius Foods Make You Smarter, Happier?

Max Lugavere has always been interested in nutrition, but it wasn’t until his mother started showing the early signs of dementia that he started researching the link between food and the brain. “After the trauma of her diagnosis and seeing the way cases like hers are treated in the top neurology departments in the U.S., I became laser-focused on learning how food affects cognition,” says Lugavere.  “What shocked me was finding that often, changes begin in the brain decades before the first symptom. I decided to use my platform to educate others on how powerful their choices are when it […]
March 12, 2024

Gluten-Free Snacks We Can’t Resist

With the gluten-free food industry as booming as ever, there are new snacks popping up at the grocery store at an alarming rate. The food industry has been doing their best to answer the desires of many consumers who want their snacks to be three things: gluten-free, relatively healthy, and delicious. Our team of snackers did all of the grueling groundwork and have compiled a list of our favorite gluten-free snacks that recently made their debut. Wait until you get to the end of the list before rushing out to the grocery store – every single one is worth trying. […]
March 12, 2024

Top 10 FoodTrients To Heal Your Gut

Health issues can occur anywhere along the GI tract from heartburn and stomach pain to absorption problems in the small intestine and disturbances in the flora of the large intestine. No fear! Healthy, whole foods can heal the gut anywhere you encounter problems. Here are the FoodTrients top 10 foods that heal the gut: 1. Aloe Soothing aloe can be used for more than just a sunburn. Aloe can be used as a laxative to relieve constipation and improve stool consistency. It sooths the skin in the mouth and gums, providing healing effects to the inside of the body. Aloe […]
March 12, 2024

Want to Live Long? Eat like the Japanese

The Japanese are the longest living people in the world and perhaps one of the healthiest. They have one of the lowest rates of obesity globally. And compared to the West, they have lower rates of heart disease as well. Now, it’s not definitively known why the Japanese live so long, but it’s most likely diet-related. Why? Because they tend to eat a range of disease-fighting foods on a daily basis. For these reasons, it makes sense to consider adopting certain components of the Japanese diet. Below, we’ll explore some of the key features that make it particularly healthy. Ready? Green Tea Green […]
March 12, 2024

Prebiotics: Why Do We Need Them?

Prebiotics are the fuel that feed probiotics and make them effective in supporting human health – especially gut health. But what are they and where do you find them? Questions abound about this frequently talked about but often misunderstood component of food that all of us need for good health. Do not get prebiotics confused with the very similar-sounding probiotics. Prebiotics exist naturally in food as non-digestible component that supports good bacteria in your lower gut. They are a type of carbohydrate that cannot be broken down. Prebiotic food compounds pass through the small intestine undigested so that good bacteria […]
February 26, 2024

The Top 50 Foods To Eat for Your Heart

You have probably heard about “heart healthy” foods. So many whole foods are considered supportive of the cardiovascular system for a number of reasons ranging from fiber content to omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidant compounds. Because February is National Heart Month , we wanted to focus on foods that are good for your heart. Here is the ultimate FoodTrients list of the Top 50 foods we love for your heart. Mix and match these healthy whole foods to include them in your diet daily to support your heart. 1. Almonds Packed with healthful plant sterols, fiber, and heart-healthy fats, almonds may […]
February 13, 2024

Try These Top 5 Gluten-Free Hot Cereals

Winter mornings can be tough. Waking up when it’s still dark out, the cold of the floor when climbing out of bed and the thought of the inevitable frosted car windshield never fail to make a person want to crawl back under the covers. Cold cereal in the winter just didn’t cut it, because the versatility of deciding what to add to hot cereal was much more appealing. Fresh berries, slivered almonds, flax, raisins, brown sugar, the possibilities really are endless! Oats were problematic and cream of wheat was completely off limits. What other options are out there? It is relatively simple to […]