December 6, 2023

3 Favorite Gluten-Free Side Dishes for Holiday Menus

It’s time to admit it, when it comes to holiday dinners, the side dishes are really the best part. A moist piece of turkey is delicious, and we can’t knock a juicy ham, but the true joy in our bellies comes from the tasty side dishes like savory stuffing and creamy green bean casserole. Unfortunately, a lot of those dishes tend to be forbidden territory for folks on a gluten-free diet. But fear not! There are loads of mouth-watering gluten-free holiday side dishes to make your dinner as warm and satisfying as your holidays! Here are a few ideas for […]
December 5, 2023

5 Delicious Holiday Dessert Recipes

Ah, the holidays. It’s that special time of year for spending time with loved ones, reflecting on the past year and (perhaps most importantly) consuming ridiculous quantities of deliciously rich treats. Hooray! We know time is of the essence when you’re planning a family holiday meal…especially when you’re busy working. Check out these five quick and super simple recipes we’re loving for busy people with a serious case of sweet tooth. Brazil Nut Tarts These tarts, with their hint of lime and rich texture, take Brazil nuts to a new level. Brazil nuts are full of selenium and protein, as well as Omega-3s, which help […]
December 5, 2023

Trust Your Gut: The Mind-Gut Connection

The mind-gut connection: What is it and how did it evolve? Chances are, at some point in your life, you’ve noticed the connection between your brain and your gut. If you’ve ever felt queasy as you walked into an uncomfortable situation or based a life decision on a “gut feeling,” then you know that sometime our bodies react faster than our minds. Digestion and emotion have long been treated separately in medicine and science, like dots far apart on a map. Despite the phrase “gut feeling” that implicitly connects the belly and the brain, the reality is that gut physiology, […]
November 17, 2023

Rev Up with the Top 50 Foods for Energy

Whether you want to sleep better, work out more or lose some weight, most people are ultimately after one outcome from making health changes: more energy. Food is the fuel that provides us that get-up-and-go feeling so we can accomplish everything we want to tackle. From a light dose of caffeine to hydrating foods and those naturally packed with B-vitamins, protein, carbohydrates, or fat for fuel here is the ultimate FoodTrients® list of the top 50 foods that help boost your energy to live your best life. 1. ALMONDS Aside from the natural energy in almonds – protein and healthy […]
November 17, 2023

These Are The Top 50 Foods To Prevent Cancer

Here are the Top 50 Foods to prevent cancer. So many whole foods are considered anti-cancer for reasons ranging from fiber content to anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It has been estimated that 30–40 percent of all cancers can be prevented by lifestyle and dietary measures alone so what you eat definitely matters. Here is the ultimate FoodTrients® list of the top 50 foods to prevent cancer. Mix and match these healthy whole foods to include them in your diet daily to reduce your risk today. 1.      Apples An apple a day is great advice when it comes to preventing cancer. […]
November 17, 2023

EWG’s Guide to a Healthy Holiday Season

This year, give thanks with less–fewer pesticides, greenhouse gases and maybe less money. Small turkeys can be tastier.  And when you cook just what you need, you don’t waste. Try an organic, local or heritage turkey or one raised without antibiotics.  Or embrace a seasonal, climate-smart, stuffed winter squash centerpiece instead. Cranberry sauce is super easy, delicious and even more nutritious to make from scratch.  Opt for organic cranberries if you can, because conventional berries are heavily treated. Pumpkin pie is a Thanksgiving tradition, with good reason.  Pumpkin is packed with nutrition, widely available locally and generally low in pesticides.  Baked pears are simple and delightful. White potatoes […]
November 7, 2023

What To Eat At Any Age to Fend Off Alzheimer’s

Put down the fork. Step away from the buffet table. UC Davis nutrition expert Liz Applegate wants us to think about exactly what we’re shoveling down our throats. Not just to lose weight but to protect our brains. “Brain food is real and it really does matter,” said Applegate, an author, professor and director of sports nutrition at UC Davis. She’s an advocate of the MIND diet, a combination of two long-studied diets that have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. We talked with her recently about so-called “brain foods,” their impact on […]
November 6, 2023

Pumpkin Seeds Offer Amazing Health Benefits

While most people only think of pumpkins on Thanksgiving or Halloween, the seeds of this fruit offer an impressive cocktail of health enhancing and disease fighting compounds, vitamins, and minerals that can be consumed year-round. In addition, they are packed with tryptophan and essential fatty acids. Emerging evidence indicates that pumpkin seeds represent a potent functional food in the battle against heart disease, osteoporosis, bladder dysfunction, anxiety, and arthritis. Pumpkin’s History Native to North America, pumpkins (Cucurbita pepo) were first embraced by Native Americans for their multi-purpose properties before the fruit’s seeds were passed along to European explorers and spread throughout Europe. Pumpkins, and […]
November 6, 2023

The Superstar Benefits of Quinoa & Kale

I like to frequently use an ancient Socrates quote to my patients when I try to drive home the importance of eating the right foods to both preserve and heal their health.  The saying, roughly, goes, “Let your food be your medicine” and with these 2 nutritional powerhouses, that I’m going to tell you about here, old Socrates couldn’t be closer to the truth.  These 2 simple foods are quinoa – an ancient super-grain – and the beautiful kale plant.  They not only taste great but I’m going to tell you how they can actually save your life. The Amazing Health Benefits […]