July 3, 2024

Senolytics Hold Promise for Delaying Old-Age Decline

New studies confirm how senescent cells accelerate old-age decline. Prestigious journals reveal marked regenerative improvements when senolytics are used to reduce the senescent cell burden. Published research conducted at the Mayo Clinic and other prestigious institutions is revolutionizing medicine. The impact of these findings is the potential to delay and reverse the adverse effects of aging. A major factor in old-age decline is the accumulation of senescent cells that: Impede Organ Function Create Chronic Inflammation Emit Protein-Destroying Enzymes Shorten Healthy Lifespan Compounds that circumvent this aging mechanism are called senolytics. “Seno” refers to old cells that secrete toxic chemicals. “Lytic” refers to their destruction. Senolytic compounds selectively destroy these old (senescent) cells. Several landmark studies on senolytic therapy have recently been published. They demonstrate that senolytics not only contribute to healthy […]
July 2, 2024

Gluten-Free Pigs in a Blanket

Since going gluten-free there have been many foods that I’ve had to bid farewell to. Thankfully the food industry has been quite kind to us as of late, and the majority of these things I’ve been able to find pretty good gluten-free versions of, or at least learned to make something almost as good. Pizza? Check. French Toast? Check. Cinnamon Buns? Big Check. Pigs in a blanket have remained a distant, delicious memory. Until now. Whether you want to make your own batch or would rather throw frozen franks in the oven, we’ve got you covered. Those of us that bake […]
June 14, 2024

Key Gluten-Free Carbs You Need To Include in Your Diet

When you found out you had to follow a gluten free diet, you probably had some anxiety. How were you going to eliminate major staples like bread, pasta, and cereal from your diet? The reason why it’s so difficult is because these foods are omnipresent throughout the average American diet. For the cereal-eater, breakfast becomes tough. For the sandwich-eater, lunch becomes challenging. For the pasta-eater, dinner becomes a struggle. The fact is, carbohydrates are important—and these grain-based foods are the ones most people are familiar with. Differentiating Between Good and Bad Carbs Carbohydrates provide energy to every cell in your […]
April 9, 2024

Here’s Your Guide to a Gluten-Free Pregnancy

It’s certainly common to worry during pregnancy. Things like what vitamins to take, what to eat, how much to eat and what to pay attention to when getting blood work done are just some of the common worries that women have. These questions carry even more weight for those of us who have celiac or gluten-intolerance. A few months ago, I shared my personal journey regarding celiac, fertility, and successfully getting pregnant once starting a gluten-free diet. Because I was diagnosed with celiac just a couple of months before I became pregnant, I had lots of questions. Were there extra steps I […]
March 12, 2024

Gluten-Free Snacks We Can’t Resist

With the gluten-free food industry as booming as ever, there are new snacks popping up at the grocery store at an alarming rate. The food industry has been doing their best to answer the desires of many consumers who want their snacks to be three things: gluten-free, relatively healthy, and delicious. Our team of snackers did all of the grueling groundwork and have compiled a list of our favorite gluten-free snacks that recently made their debut. Wait until you get to the end of the list before rushing out to the grocery store – every single one is worth trying. […]
February 13, 2024

Try These Top 5 Gluten-Free Hot Cereals

Winter mornings can be tough. Waking up when it’s still dark out, the cold of the floor when climbing out of bed and the thought of the inevitable frosted car windshield never fail to make a person want to crawl back under the covers. Cold cereal in the winter just didn’t cut it, because the versatility of deciding what to add to hot cereal was much more appealing. Fresh berries, slivered almonds, flax, raisins, brown sugar, the possibilities really are endless! Oats were problematic and cream of wheat was completely off limits. What other options are out there? It is relatively simple to […]
January 16, 2024

5 Delicious Gluten-Free Slow Cooker Recipes

Gluten-free eating and cooking can be difficult, and once it gets cold outside, your options are even more limited. What’s an (aspiring) gluten-free chef to do? Break out your slow cooker. This is your secret weapon to tackle 3 of the biggest problems about making meals at home: convenience, health, and taste. Well, guess what: the slow cooker can make anyone look like a good chef. To show you the power of a slow cooker when it comes to gluten-free cooking, here are 5 of our favorite gluten-free slow cooker recipes, broken down to savory meals and sweet treats… Savory, […]
December 6, 2023

3 Favorite Gluten-Free Side Dishes for Holiday Menus

It’s time to admit it, when it comes to holiday dinners, the side dishes are really the best part. A moist piece of turkey is delicious, and we can’t knock a juicy ham, but the true joy in our bellies comes from the tasty side dishes like savory stuffing and creamy green bean casserole. Unfortunately, a lot of those dishes tend to be forbidden territory for folks on a gluten-free diet. But fear not! There are loads of mouth-watering gluten-free holiday side dishes to make your dinner as warm and satisfying as your holidays! Here are a few ideas for […]
November 19, 2023

3 Delicious Gluten-Free Stuffing Recipes

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, it’s time to get your menus and recipes in order! Thanksgiving  a favorite holiday for many, and while it can be a bit of a challenge to recreate the meals that we remember from childhood, it’s fun to try a variety of recipes that might help create new memorable dishes. One of the most difficult challenges for Thanksgiving is figuring out how to create the perfect gluten-free stuffing. After lots of time in the kitchen, some mishaps and disappointments, we’ve gathered three of our favorite gluten-free stuffing recipes for you. Hopefully we can help you […]