64 results found for: Alzheimer\'s

Eating Walnuts May Extend Your Life

Harvard scientists recently found that 60-year-olds who ate five weekly servings of walnuts had a 1.3-year increase in lifespan. Walnuts may protect against diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer’s. Walnuts provide an array of health benefits. New evidence suggests that regular walnut consumption may contribute to a longer life.1 In a landmark study using data collected over 20 years, scientists with Harvard University discovered a link between eating more walnuts and a lower overall risk of death among older adults. This observational study found that 60-year-old Americans who ate five or more servings of walnuts per week lived roughly 1.3 years longer than those who never ate walnuts.1  They also had a 14% lower risk of death from any cause and a […]

Greek Island Ikaria Is a Longevity Hot Spot

This is the fourth part in our 5-part on life in the “Blue Zones,” where people live longer, healthy lives. Each part will look into the diets and lifestyles of the areas where longevity is a normal part of aging better. Who doesn’t want to know their secrets? Ikaria is a beautiful Greek island in the Aegean Sea and is home to residents living eight-to-10 years longer than the average American (and with significantly less health complications). It is one of five “Blue Zones” in the world — a geographical region that is a longevity hot spot. A study done in 2013 […]

Diet for the Mind Fights Memory Loss

As we age, our brains age too. Our ability to think slows down, and we may experience occasional difficulty in, for example, recalling where we left our keys or retrieving a word or name. By all accounts, this is considered a normal degree of cognitive decline. Several factors play into whether you will suffer from cognitive decline or develop Alzheimer’s disease as you age — lifestyle, health conditions, environment, and genetics, for example. But there is scientific evidence indicating that diet plays a bigger role in brain health than we ever thought. And thanks in part to Dr. Martha Clare […]

5 Ways Mushrooms Support Your Health

Did you know that many mushrooms — some that you can find in the grocery store and others that come in medicinal/capsule form

Most of Us Will Age Normally

Memory declines as we age, but most people will never experience the severe neuronal loss of dementia. “The Aging, Demographics and Memory Study” on the prevalence of dementia concluded that 13.9 percent of the U.S. population over the age of 71 has some form of dementia, with Alzheimer’s disease accounting for just less than 10 percent, says brain researcher Carol Barnes. “That means 86 percent of us age normally.” The likelihood of dementia increase as people age, hitting 1 in 3 by age 85. Barnes, director of the University of Arizona’s Mc-Knight Brain Institute, has studied the aging brain for […]

100 year birthday

Rules for Living Longer

When it comes to age, most everyone desires to hit triple digits — 100 and more. Who wouldn’t want to join the centenarian club? Luckily for seniors living in the 21st century, it’s now easier for you to reach your 100th birthday today than ever before — if you take care of your health and follow experts’ advice. According to Science magazine, with the currently expanding life spans of modern man, all it would take for the average life span to reach 99 years is the elimination of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Dr. Chris Matsko, coauthor of How to Live […]

Fight MS with Cappuccino?

Could coffee help stave off multiple sclerosis? A new international study suggests it might. “Caffeine intake has been associated with a reduced risk of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases,” the study’s lead author Ellen Mowry of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine told Medicalxpress.com. “Our study shows that coffee intake may also protect against MS, supporting the idea that the drug may have protective effects for the brain,” she said. Findings of the U.S. and Swedish study were released ahead of the American Academy of Neurology annual meeting inWashington, D.C. Researchers compared more than 1,000 MS patients to a similar […]

Lemon Balm Is the ‘Bomb’ for Stress

Stress comes in so many forms and affects the body in different ways. There’s emotional stress, schedule or time-related stress, work or school related pressure, and even stress on the body from environmental toxins or other damage. A lot of this is unavoidable – it’s part of daily life – and the body has ways to adapt to it but if stress builds up, it can lead to disease, inflammation and unbalanced hormones. There are ways to help the body naturally adapt to stress in all forms and the powerful herb lemon balm has been used for centuries for this […]

Counting Calories Could Prevent Diseases

Research presented on February 11, 2019 at FAPESP (São Paulo Research Foundation) Week London supports the potential for calorie restriction to protect against several diseases. The studies were conducted under the auspices of the Center for Research on Redox Processes in Biomedicine, which is funded by FAPESP. “We are looking at how changes to the diet affect metabolism and how that ends up changing the odds of having diseases associated with aging,” commented researcher Alicia Kowaltowski, of the University of São Paulo. In one experiment, a group of mice was allowed to consume as much food as they desired, and the number […]

Is A High Carb Diet Good For Older Brains?

Research published in the November 20, 2018 issue of Cell Reports suggests a potential benefit for a diet low in protein and high in complex carbohydrates in older individuals. Acting on the findings of a study conducted in 2015 at the University of Sydney’s Charles Perkins Centre which revealed that a low-protein, high- carbohydrate diet was as effective as a calorie restricted diet in regard to extending the life of mice, Professor of Geriatric Medicine David G. Le Couteur and colleagues evaluated the effects of three unrestricted low-protein, high-carbohydrate diets and a control diet on the brain’s hippocampus, which is an area involved in […]