993 results found for: Blood Pressure

Heart Health: Top 5 Foods for Blood Pressure

Hypertension, a common cardiovascular concern affecting 1.3 billion people worldwide, is also called high blood pressure. It’s a condition that requires a multifaceted approach to management with a focus on preventive care. While medication plays a crucial role, dietary choices can significantly impact your blood pressure levels and should be a first line treatment. In this article, we explore five Foodtrients® foods that provide blood pressure management benefits that you can start incorporating today! Before we dive into the foods you should be including, be sure that you have a plan to know your numbers and have meaningful discussions with […]

Nourishing Your Heart: Top 5 Foods for Effective Blood Pressure Management

FoodTrients Showcases Antioxidants That Fight Aging at a Cellular Level Antioxidants have multiple roles in the body and one of the most studied is the ability to reduce oxidative stress. Antioxidants are one of our body’s best weapons when it comes to aging, because they fight aging at a cellular level and help keep cells from “rusting.” Research has demonstrated that antioxidants can slow down aging by reducing oxidative stress, a natural byproduct of essential cellular activities such as energy production, detoxification, digestion, respiration, cognition, and exercise. These processes generate free radicals, unstable molecules that initiate oxidation. The insights from […]

Top 5 Foods for Effective Blood Pressure Management

Hypertension, a common cardiovascular concern affecting 1.3 billion people worldwide, is also called high blood pressure. It’s a condition that requires a multifaceted approach to management with a focus on preventive care. While medication plays a crucial role, dietary choices can significantly impact your blood pressure levels and should be a first line treatment. Grace O is the founder of FoodTrients, a non-profit organization dedicated to research and information on food as medicine that can help everyone age better. What drives Grace’s program of healthy aging are nine elements she calls FoodTrients®: Anti-Inflammatory, Antioxidant, Beauty, Detox, Disease Prevention, Gut Health, […]

Medical Tests For People Over 50

It’s a New Year, and many of my patients are coming in for their annual check-ups. Maybe you’re scheduled to visit your doctor for your annual physical as well. I always like to remind my patients of the old Ben Franklin adage – “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Nothing could be truer where your health is concerned. Prevention, however, comes in many forms, from making sure you get the optimal nutrition, rest, and exercise to being proactive and getting the right medical tests to screen for any possible issues. If you’re over the age of […]

Blueberries Protect Against Heart Disease

An article published online in the Journal of Nutrition describes the

Lifestyle Beats Genes in Longevity Race

An article published online on December 22, 2010 in the Journal of Internal Medicine reveals that our own actions may be more important than inherited factors in dictating how long we live.

Slow Aging Part 2: Supplements & Exercise

Thank you for joining me for the continuation of anti-aging strategies. In Part I, we talked about how nutrition and sleep can have a profound effect on aging. Today in Part II I’m going to go over specific supplements, namely vitamins and herbs that have been found to be beneficial in anti-aging regimens. In addition, we’ll talk about how you can naturally boost your human growth hormone (HGH) levels with exercise and by eating specific foods. Let’s start with the supplements. Supplements Beneficial in Anti-Aging At the end of part I, I mentioned some very scientific sounding compounds, Ornithine Alpha […]

Staying Healthy and Slowing Down Aging

If you’ve ever played the lottery you know how it feels to lose.

High Fiber Results in Reduced Heart Disease Mortality

The Journal of Nutrition reports a reduction in the risk of dying from coronary heart disease (CHD) among men and women who consumed high fiber diets.* Researchers evaluated data from 58,730 participants

Health Advantages Of SuperGreens: Part I

Did you eat your veggies today? For some people the answer to this question is a resounding yes! While others find it hard to force down two veggies a day never mind the 5-9 servings recommended by leading health experts.