284 results found for: IMMUNITY BOOSTER

Supercouple: Strawberries & Avocados. Great recipes and more!

4 Super Reasons to Eat Strawberries Strawberries are one of the most popular berries in the world, and they are also one of the top superfoods when it comes to fighting a vast array of diseases and health issues. Learn more, plus recipes.   Shake It Up With Astounding Avocados Avocados contain more potassium than bananas. Potassium is important for regulating blood pressure, which can help prevent strokes and heart attacks. Learn more, plus recipes.   Immunity Boosting Blend Strawberries are very high in vitamin C, a known immunity booster. Try this strawberry-yogurt smoothie it has probiotics which keep the good […]

Getting Cultured! Kefir vs. Yogurt

I remember years ago as a kid reading about people in Bulgaria who lived into their hundreds. Part of their secret (besides hard, physical work and a little alcohol each day) was eating yogurt and drinking kefir (KEE-fur). Back when I was a youngster in Southeast Asia, yogurt was still a pretty exotic food without the huge selection we see in the dairy case today. Yogurt has rightfully been recognized as a ‘super food,’ loaded with protein, calcium, potassium, phosphorous and beneficial bacteria.   Yogurt Facts One cup (8 fl. oz.) of plain low fat yogurt contains about 154 calories, […]


Age Gracefully Cookbook Delivers Dishes With Benefits

Buy the Book Here:     . Award winning cookbook Age GRACEfully Cookbook: The Power of Foodtrients® to Promote Health and Well-being for a Joyful and Sustainable Life, received the Independent Publishers Book Award (2013), Gold Living Now Book Award (2013), Gold FoodTrients is a unique approach to fresh, nutritional, and age-defying foods, which was originated by Grace O. FoodTrients is her name for the natural anti-aging properties of food. Delicious foods and rejuvenating nutrients combine to create the award winning, Age GRACEfully Cookbook: The Power of Foodtrients® to Promote Health and Well-being for a Joyful and Sustainable Life, a collection of […]

Why Should You Care About FoodTrients?

By Grace O The right foods, herbs and spices can help us detox, lose weight, improve our skin and live longer, more vital lives. But how do you know which foods to choose?  One of the things I set out to do in my cookbooks is to make it easy to see what each recipe (and its ingredients) can do for you.  We started out with five symbols (icons) for the benefits in my first cookbook, The Age GRACEfully Cookbook, but I expanded it to eight icons in my new book, The Age Beautifully Cookbook. Here’s what each icon means: […]

What’s for Breakfast? Quinoa Porridge and Carrot Quiche

For those of us who grew up in Southeast Asia, big, savory breakfasts were the norm. A popular breakfast staple was smoked fish with scrambled eggs and tomato salad. Fried rice, fried eggs, sausages called longaniza (a bit like Spanish chorizo), and rice porridge with fish or meatballs were also regularly on the menu in most homes, but not in mine. My father, who was a physician and very health-conscious, always ate plain oatmeal, and he insisted we eat it, too, without berries, bananas or raisins. We reluctantly complied, but today I am grateful for all of my father’s health […]

What’s for Lunch? Pack FoodTrients To Go

By Grace O Everyone is busy, which makes grabbing fast food or convenience foods so tempting at lunch time. There are many days that I have to go from meeting to meeting without any time to stop for lunch, so I find myself eating on the run. When I do have time, I’m always interested in checking out new dishes and new restaurants, but that can lead to way too much temptation. When it comes down to it, I know that if I’m to make the best choices for my mind and body, I should take my own advice and […]

Simplify With Stir-Fry for Quick, Healthy Meals

Sometimes there’s just not enough time in a day. When I get home late from a long work day and need to create dinner, I have a few easy favorites that will save the day. Here’s my go-to solution for a quick, delicious and healthy meal — don’t go stir crazy — go stir-fry! Usually associated with Asian cuisines, stir-frying involves small pieces of meat or seafood and vegetables stirred rapidly in a large skillet or wok with a bit of oil and high heat. Once you’ve sliced and diced the ingredients, everyone had better be sitting at the table, […]

Eat Tasty Treats for a Healthy Halloween

Everyone loves Halloween. That’s probably because it’s the first holiday after the summer and signals a new holiday season with Thanksgiving and Christmas just ahead. I have friends with children who like to trick-or-treat in my neighborhood. It’s fun to have them over after they’ve collected their candy to check out their costumes. Usually the kids are hungry, and rather than letting them dine on candy I like to serve them treats that are delicious, but that they’d never suspect are healthy, too. Their parents sure appreciate that! The recipes below from my cookbook, The Age Beautifully Cookbook, deliver on […]

fish on slate

Anti-Inflammatory Foods: the Top 10

There’s a connecting between inflammation and anti-inflammatory foods and lifestyle that’s important to your health. What you eat has a big influence. Inflammation is a natural response of the body in times of illness or stress. For example, if you cut your hand, you would experience pain, redness, swelling, and irritation to the area. This is inflammation that you can see – and it’s an important part of healing — but this response also happens internally and if left unchecked, can cause chronic health problems. Chronically elevated inflammation is associated with cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s and other cognitive issues, type 2 […]

Celebrate NYE With Appetizing Appetizers

New Year’s Eve happens to be my birthday, so I was born to celebrate holidays and special occasions with friends.  Every year, when I’m in town, I like to have a big party on New Year’s Eve. My friends know that when I entertain, the food matters because I put a lot of thought into the menu and the evening’s entertainment. Whether you plan to host a small gathering of friends or a large party during the holidays, you can start the evening off right with some enticing appetizers. When people are drinking alcohol, it’s a good idea to serve […]