504 results found for: Medicine

Why Fasting Might Be the Best Medicine for Longevity

(Los Angeles, Jan. 15, 2019) Why should you fast to optimize your body? Fasting began with the evolution of early man when our bodies had to adapt to food scarcity at times. It has a powerful and positive impact on overall health. “We eat too much, too often, and at the wrong time of day. We don’t move enough and don’t sleep enough,” says Dr. James LaValle, a clinician, nutritionist, educator and consultant in the field on integrative health care. He is also the author of Cracking the Metabolic Code and one of the speakers at the American Academy of […]

Mining the Herbal Medicine in Your Kitchen

Did you know there’s a powerful herbal medicine chest in your kitchen? Imagine being prepared for that next cold, scrape, headache, digestive issue, stressful day, or sleepless night with simple ingredients from your cupboard. Instead of pills, reach for: Cinnamon Tea to soothe your throat . . . Garlic Hummus to support your immune system . . . Ginger Lemon Tea for cold and flu symptoms . . . Cayenne Salve to relieve sore muscles . . . Cardamom Chocolate Mousse Cake for heart health . . . A glass of Spiced Cold Brew Coffee as a powerful antioxidant . […]

The Cure: Nature and Old World Medicine?

  Sunlight. Forest bathing. Fasting. Cold-water baths. Bloodletting. Leeches. Cupping. These ways of healing have been practiced in different cultures around the world for centuries. But as a cardiologist working with the most high-tech medical tools, Dr. Andreas Michalsen was taught that these practices were medieval and outdated, even dangerous. As he saw surprising results in his patients, however, Dr. Michalsen explored more deeply those seemingly “outdated” methods of healing. The more he researched, the more he was convinced by the power of natural medicine–naturopathy–to heal the human body. Over the past few decades, Dr. Michalsen has published the most […]

Secrets To Healing with Natural Medicine

Dr. Josh Axe says he wrote An Ancient Remedies: Secrets to Healing with Herbs, Essential Oils, CBD, and the Most Powerful Natural Medicine in History because “It’s high time you understand that you don’t need to take dangerous drugs for every ailment, that the Western medical system’s profit-based approach isn’t doing your health any favors, and that there are wonderfully effective alternative therapeutics that can heal your health issues and put you safely on the path to lifelong wellness.” He includes a caveat about modern medicine: “My criticism of Western medicine isn’t intended to disparage all of the modern approach. […]

Turmeric Is a Top Anti-Inflammatory

Turmeric is a root, like ginger, that has anti-inflammatory properties. Growing up in southeast Asia, I became very familiar with turmeric root. I love its bright yellow-orange color and its zingy flavor. In India, turmeric is used to give curry its yellow color.

FoodTrients Cookbooks

Defy aging with every bite of Grace O’s recipes from FoodTrients. From exotic ingredients from around the world to familiar food favorites, Grace O’s recipe for aging beautifully offers the benefits of disease-preventing nutrients, anti-inflammatories, antioxidants, immune-boosting foods, more mental agility, AND beautiful skin. Within weeks of incorporating the nutrient-rich and research-based recipes provided in both of Grace O’s cookbooks

colorful fruits and veggies

Why We All Need FoodTrients

Defy aging with every bite of Grace O’s recipes from FoodTrients. From exotic ingredients from around the world to familiar food favorites, Grace O’s recipe for aging beautifully offers the benefits of disease-preventing nutrients, anti-inflammatories, antioxidants, immune-boosting foods, more mental agility, AND beautiful skin. Within weeks of incorporating the nutrient-rich and research-based recipes provided in both of Grace O’s cookbooks — first came THE AGE GRACEFULLY COOKBOOK: The Power of Foodtrients to Promote Health and Well-being for a Joyful and Sustainable Life and now THE AGE BEAUTIFULLY COOKBOOK: Easy and Exotic Longevity Secrets from Around the World — along with exercise […]


BOOKS WORTH READING If you’re interested in being healthy, aging well, looking younger and just enjoying your life a lot more, the following is a list of good books that might be able to help:

Lifestyle Beats Genes in Longevity Race

An article published online on December 22, 2010 in the Journal of Internal Medicine reveals that our own actions may be more important than inherited factors in dictating how long we live.

Slow Aging Part 2: Supplements & Exercise

Thank you for joining me for the continuation of anti-aging strategies. In Part I, we talked about how nutrition and sleep can have a profound effect on aging. Today in Part II I’m going to go over specific supplements, namely vitamins and herbs that have been found to be beneficial in anti-aging regimens. In addition, we’ll talk about how you can naturally boost your human growth hormone (HGH) levels with exercise and by eating specific foods. Let’s start with the supplements. Supplements Beneficial in Anti-Aging At the end of part I, I mentioned some very scientific sounding compounds, Ornithine Alpha […]