235 results found for: DETOX

Green Foods

“What’s all the hype about eating green foods?” This is a question many of my patients are asking me more often these days. It seems everywhere you look there is some mention of going green in one way or another. People are not only becoming more conscious about preserving the environment, they also want to protect their bodies from everyday pollutants. Choosing foods described as “detoxifiers” are considered good for the liver and helpful in ridding the body of food preservatives. Detox diets usually recommend cutting out many foods with additives, along with meat and dairy products to combat what […]

Is Cooking With Aluminum Pans A Health Risk?

In the last several years, more information has surfaced about the safety of chemicals used to create Teflon (PTFE) and other non-stick surface coated pans.  It was found that with use, scraping food with utensils could cause tiny flecks of these chemical-based surfaces to get into your food.  Even though the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency had deemed that ingesting small particles of these pan surfaces has not been shown to cause any real health problems, many of my patients decided to throw out their non-stick cookware and switch back to cast iron or aluminum. Cast iron cookware has been around […]

Jujubes Are Small ‘Apples’ With Big Benefits

  The Chinese have been growing and eating jujubes for over 4,000 years. Jujube, or Chinese date, trees are shrub-like with thorny branches. The fruits are shaped like small apples that are green when unripe and turn brownish red. As they ripen and age they wrinkle and shrink to the size of a large date. The flesh of the fruit is most like an apple when it’s unripe. As it ripens it becomes soft and spongy. Asians generally steep slices of jujubes in hot water and make a jujube tea. Sometimes they reduce the tea on the stove and add […]

Thanksgiving dinner

Have a Healthy and Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving doesn’t have to be a carb-loaded, over-eating frenzy. You can make satisfying, healthy, anti-aging food choices for this holiday that will leave you feeling thankful for indulging. Take turkey, for example. I cook at least four turkeys each Thanksgiving because I usually have about 30 people over for dinner. Turkey contains tryptophan, which produces niacin, giving us energy. Tryptophan also builds the hormone serotonin, which helps ensure healthy neurotransmitters in our brain. Turkey also contains the FoodTrient selenium, a detoxifying antioxidant. You don’t have to drown your turkey in fatty gravy. It can be deliciously sauced using healthier ingredients. […]

Mustard Crusted Tri Tip

Mustard-Crusted Tri-Tip

      Mustard is a highly popular and widely used condiment that has sparked interest among nutritionists. Its detoxifying selenium and magnesium have anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce blood pressure. Its phytonutrients seem to inhibit the growth of certain cancer cells. Mustard also stimulates the saliva glands, aiding in digestion. I like to use Dijon mustard for the crust on this tri-tip, but you can use any flavorful prepared mustard. As with all red meat, the lysine in the beef repairs tissue and helps skin build new collagen. I use grass-fed beef for its omega-3s and other healthful […]

Parties, Potlucks & Food That Travels Well

December is rife with holiday parties and I love to entertain. Mostly I throw parties at my home or in elegant hotels like the Four Seasons in Beverly Hills. Occasionally I attend potluck parties at other people’s homes. Bringing food to a party can be tricky. It has to be prepared ahead of time, survive being packed and transported, and look elegant once it’s plated at the party site. Also, it needs to taste great at room temperature, unless you have a crock pot and can keep it warm (see story on our crock pot giveaway below). These are not […]

The Top Eight Nuts For Your Good Health

It’s that holiday time of year again when food and snacks are everywhere.  It’s almost impossible to ignore the lure of snack bowls filled with candies, nuts, and chips, at parties or office get-togethers.

IP-6: Include This High Grade Fiber To Fight Disease

You may be eating it every day in the foods you love and not be aware that you’re getting one of Nature’s best disease fighters around – IP-6 fiber.  Recently, research has shown that this dense fiber may soon be put to use in the fight against breast, prostate and colon cancer as well.  Let me tell you all about how this amazing fiber works. IP-6 Fiber – Nature’s Gift To Your Health You’ve likely known for a long time that including enough fiber in your diet is important to your good health and well-being.  Studies have shown that getting […]

How Reishi Combats Aging

Over the past several decades, scientific research has intensified and focused on analyzing the hundreds of unique bio-active compounds found in the medicinal Reishi Mushroom. Just this year alone, three new compounds were discovered. With each new finding, intriguing medical applications for Reishi have emerged. There is now a wealth of impressive data that demonstrates Reishi’s life extending properties, but also its significant ability to stimulate brain neurons, search and destroy cancer cells and prevent the development of new fat cells in obese individuals. As an example of growing science supporting Reishi, researchers using laboratory mice have detailed life span […]

The Top 30 Proteins for Longevity

Protein is very important for strong muscles and bones. Lean protein helps achieve weight loss. I love meat—it has riboflavin, vitamin B12, tyrosine, and the FoodTrient zinc—but I enjoy it in moderation, which protects against cardiovascular disease. I also am careful about eating cured meats, which can aggravate joints and promote gout.