920 results found for: Heart

Pro-Veggie Diets Prevent Heart Attacks

There’s an endless debate about eating meat, especially when it relates to the risk of heart disease. Some people advocate a meat-based diet, while others avoid it at all costs. The truth may lie somewhere in the middle. A pro-veggie diet, in which plants make up 70% or more of the meals, may be the answer. A recent study showed that it dramatically reduced the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Pro-Veggie Diet Reduces Heart Attack and Stroke Risk by 20% In the study, researchers from the American Heart Association analyzed the diet of 451,256 Europeans. They also collected information on height, […]

chicken curry with moringachicken curry with moringa

Try Heart-Healthy Chicken Curry with Moringa 

Curries made with turmeric and coconut milk are amazingly heart-healthy. Add some ginger and garlic and your heart and arteries will thank you even more. This dish will help reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke because of all of its anti-inflammatory compounds. If you can’t find fresh moringa leaves, you can use green tea powder. To make this a vegan entree, substitute tofu or soybeans for the chicken. Vegan or not, this dish is delicious served over white or brown rice. BENEFITS Curry powder contains curcumin, an anti-inflammatory as powerful as a prescription drug. The fiber in the […]

Cranberry Benefits May Extend to the Gut, Heart and Brain

While decades of cranberry research has found that regular consumption of cranberry products promotes urinary tract health, leading scientists studying the bioactive components of fruits and other foods reported that cranberries possess whole body health benefits. In a July 2016 Advances in Nutrition supplement, Impact of Cranberries on Gut Microbiota and Cardiometabolic Health: Proceedings of the Cranberry Health Research Conference 2015, a team of international researchers reviewed the complex, synergistic actions of compounds that are uniquely cranberry. Their discussion led them to conclude that this berry may be more than just a tart and tangy fruit. “It has been established that […]

Reduce Heart Attacks By Eating Dinner Earlier

Q: Our family tends to eat dinner later in the evening, but a friend who knows our habits told me she heard this increases the chances for a heart attack. Is she right or did she misunderstand something? Theresa Schulte, of O’Fallon A: Eating a major meal within two hours of bedtime could indeed have far worse consequences than a midnight run for the Rolaids, according to a new study recently released at the world’s largest heart conference. Blood pressure usually drops by at least 10 percent when a person goes to sleep, allowing the body to rest. But this […]

Ancient Grains May Lower Risk of Heart Problems

Eating bread made from trendy ancient grains such as spelt, barley or quinoa protects against heart disease, according to new research. The study shows eating bread made with ancient grains could help lower cholesterol and blood glucose — leading risk factors for heart attacks and strokes. The researchers said that compared to modern grain varieties, which are often heavily refined, ancient grains offer antioxidant and anti-inflammatory profiles. They also contain beneficial vitamins (B and E), as well as minerals such as magnesium, iron and potassium which protect against chronic diseases. The Italian research team said the findings, published in the […]

Hearty Winter Produce with Superpowers

Even living in sunny California during the winter when the days are shorter and a little bit chilly, I like to prepare hearty winter produce that also happens to fall into the “superfoods” category.  Their many disease fighting and anti-aging properties make them some of my top produce. These fruits and vegetables lend themselves to recipes that serve as comfort foods during the cold, dark winter months, but they have the added benefit of doing great things for your body. Pumpkin You may only associate pumpkins with Halloween, but fresh pumpkins are available from October through February. They contain large […]

Heart Can Be Boosted By Chocolate

One piece of dark chocolate a day could prevent heart disease and reduce insulin levels, scientists have discovered. Revealing further benefits of cocoa to the body, research found that chocolate increases “good” cholesterol when eaten in amounts of between 200 and 600 milligrams a day. The benefits depend on the amount of cocoa taken, making plain chocolate better than white or milk varieties. Experts who orchestrated the randomised controlled trials (RCTs) claim the study shows the “urgent need” for more research. Report author Dr Simin Liu, professor and director of the Centre for Global Cardiometabolic Health at Brown University, USA, […]

Vitamin B Helps Protect The Heart From Pollution

On April 3, 2017, Scientific Reports published the findings of researchers at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health of an association between B vitamin supplementation and protection against the effects of fine particulate matter pollution on the cardiovascular and immune systems. “Ambient PM2.5 pollution is one of the most common air pollutants and has a negative effect on cardiac function and the immune system,” explained lead investigator Jia Zhong, PhD, who is a postdoctoral research officer in the Department of Environmental Health Sciences at Columbia’s Mailman School. “For the first time, our trial provides evidence that B vitamin supplementation might […]

The Top 50 Foods To Eat for Your Heart

You have probably heard about “heart healthy” foods. So many whole foods are considered supportive of the cardiovascular system for a number of reasons ranging from fiber content to omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidant compounds. Because February is National Heart Month , we wanted to focus on foods that are good for your heart. Here is the ultimate FoodTrients list of the Top 50 foods we love for your heart. Mix and match these healthy whole foods to include them in your diet daily to support your heart. 1. Almonds Packed with healthful plant sterols, fiber, and heart-healthy fats, almonds may […]

Heartburn Meds Linked to Increased Risk of Early Death

Although popular Fourth of July foods such as hamburgers and hot dogs can trigger heartburn, sufferers may want to rethink the use of popular over-the-counter remedies, which a new study links to early death. Researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis concluded that prolonged use of proton pump inhibitors (PPI), which suppress the secretion of stomach acid and is found in popular heartburn medications such as Prilosec, Nexium and Prevacid, increased an early risk of death by 25 percent, compared to people who used H2 blockers, another known inhibitor of stomach acid. The study, titled “Risk of death among users of Proton […]