323 results found for: STRENGTH

Strontium: The “Other” Bone-Health Nutrient

Like most of my patients, you likely know that you need adequate calcium in your diet to keep your bones strong and prevent against fracture, as you get older.  What you may not know is that there is another nutrient that is just as important as calcium that decreases your risk of fracture even more.  Let me tell you about this significant bone builder.

Is “Frankenwheat” Fueling The Type 2 Diabetes Epidemic?

The FDA’s food pyramid says you should be eating between 6-10 servings of ‘whole grains’ every day.  For many people that translates into several wheat-based products throughout the day like toast or waffles for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, wheat-based croutons on your salad, wheat in soups and other processed foods, etc.

Foods That Build Better Bones

We all want strong bones and teeth. As we age, we tend to grow more wary of developing osteoporosis. Exercise, especially weight and resistance training, certainly helps strengthen our bones. Our diet can be a boon to bone health as well. Certain FoodTrients—such as isoflavones and potassium—can increase bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Gulp! EWG’s Water Buying Guide

“Depending on where you live, you and your family could be drinking a cocktail of various contaminants,” says Paul Pestano, an Environmental Working Group (EWG) research analyst and a lead researcher on the new EWG’s Online Filter Guide.

How Can I Lose Weight?

Ah, it’s the all-American question. Countless articles and books have been written to solve the problem of the unwanted “spare tire” of flab. Here in the USA, companies make billions of dollars from weight loss products and strategies! So how can this article help you, a woman with long days and high-stress environments, lose weight? Review these simple tips for tweaking the way you think about your daily food intake. 1. Think of it as a reconstruction project. Did you know that the face you have today is not the same face you had six months ago? That’s right. Your […]

Laughter: Its Surprising Health Benefits

I have an older patient; I’ll call him Jack, who comes to see me now and then. Jack is 67 years old but looks and acts more like someone in his 40’s! He has a few minor health issues but none of the major ones, like heart disease, etc, that sometimes come in his age group.

The 10 Best Muscle Building Foods

Like many of my over-40 patients, you’re probably trying to stay healthy and active as you get older.  Great! Yet, many of you may not know that once you pass the over-40 milestone you can lose as much as 8% of muscle mass every 10 years.  That means by age 60, you could have lost as much as 16% muscle mass! And it accelerates even further after the age of 75.   But this doesn’t have to be the case if you take measures to prevent it. Let me tell you about the 10 best foods that can make a big […]

pH Levels Keep Your Bones Healthy

I encourage my 50-and-older patients to get a bone density test every year. As this test  tells me if they’re losing or maintaining their bone density and strength. The pelvis and femur bones of the hips and upper thighs are especially significant as we get older because they support our body walking and standing and, really, with any activity we do.

The 20 Best Foods for Your Sex Life

You know that you should eat healthy to protect your heart and your health in general.  But, I bet you weren’t really aware that food can also protect your sexual health and boost your sex drive.  That’s right.  Nature contains all the sex-boosting nutrients your body will ever need. Let me tell you about them. 20 Common Foods That Boost Your Sex Drive It’s a no brainer that eating healthier will boost your general health.  It follows that, if your body is healthy, your sex drive will also be healthy.  Yet, there are some specific foods that contain certain natural […]

Spice It Up with Top 35 Anti-Aging Flavorings

I like my food to be very flavorful. And I’ve learned that my spice chest can also be my medicine cabinet. So when I begin to create a recipe, I reach for the oils, herbs, spices, and sweeteners that will do my body good. I’ve picked out my Top 35 flavorings so that you, too, can defy aging while you cook. Fats are a very controversial subject. Butter, in particular, has gone in and out of favor with nutritionists over the last 20 years. Today the consensus is that butter, in moderation, is actually better for your arteries than margarine, […]