1277 results found for: Blood Sugar

How Reishi Combats Aging

Over the past several decades, scientific research has intensified and focused on analyzing the hundreds of unique bio-active compounds found in the medicinal Reishi Mushroom. Just this year alone, three new compounds were discovered. With each new finding, intriguing medical applications for Reishi have emerged. There is now a wealth of impressive data that demonstrates Reishi’s life extending properties, but also its significant ability to stimulate brain neurons, search and destroy cancer cells and prevent the development of new fat cells in obese individuals. As an example of growing science supporting Reishi, researchers using laboratory mice have detailed life span […]

chia seeds in bowl

Chia Seeds: Health Benefit Pros And Cons

Many of you may not have known much about chia until it became a household word about a decade ago when chia “pets” were everywhere.  Remember those terra-cotta plant holders in the shape of an animal that grew chia plants out the top of the head? Chia seeds have actually been around since the days of the Aztec civilization when they were used for food, medicine, and currency and were highly valued. Modern health researchers have found that those same chia seeds have a lot of health benefits.  They can also have a few health drawbacks so I’d like to […]

Amazing Skin Benefits Of This Special Tea

Many of the patients I see have chronic skin issues, like eczema.   Other patients are simply interested in looking their best.  They want to know how to restore a youthful look to their skin – improve the tone, color and maybe even get rid of some of those “laugh lines”.  Recently, I started telling my patients about the benefits of drinking a special type of tea to help with these very issues.  If you have eczema, or just want to look younger, you’ll want to know about the skin benefits of this ancient tea… Ancient Tea Improves Skin Youthfulness Many […]

Ancient Wheat Improves Heart Health

Dr. William Davis in his book, Wheat Belly, claims that wheat products in the American diet parallel the expansion of our waistlines. This is because wheat today is not the same wheat eaten by ancient people, or even people just a few decades ago. Wheat today is hybridized and crossbred to make the wheat plant resistant to environmental conditions, such as drought, or pathogens, such as fungi. But most of all, genetic changes have been induced to increase yield per acre. Such enormous strides in yield have required drastic changes in the wheat’s genetic code. Such fundamental genetic changes have also come at a […]

When it Comes to Exercise, Benefits May Differ

Researchers at the University of Michigan School of Kinesiology have received a $1 million grant to study how exercise and other therapies might work differently in lean and obese individuals (see also Obesity).

Restless Leg Syndrome

Trying to get a good night’s sleep can be

Is Your Food Aging You?

Eating healthy is one of the ways in which to ward off the effects of aging for as long as possible.  Towards that goal, you’re buying more fruits, vegetables, and less red meat.  Yet, you may be unaware that certain foods you eat, or even the way you prepare them, can be unhealthy, cause you to age faster, and put you at risk for serious diseases.

Wheat Belly: Sounding the Alarm!

Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health is not just a book—it’s also a movement. When cardiologist William Davis started talking about the dangers of eating modern dwarf wheat, he struck a chord. In the intro to his book he states, “I will make the case that the world’s most popular grain is also the world’s most destructive dietary ingredient.” His book is now a New York Times best seller. His blog (www.wheatbellyblog.com) has had over 3 million visitors and it is chock full of testimonials backing up his theory. Although he […]

The Truth about Grains: My Top 30

Eating whole foods is essential for optimum nutrition and is a significant anti-aging strategy. Eating whole grains—and foods made from them—is part of this strategy. Whole grains have more nutrients than refined grains. Ancient grains—such as emmer wheat (farro), einkorn, kamut (khorasan wheat), spelt, barley, rye, triticale, semolina, durum, and buckwheat—are far more nutrient dense than modern American high-yield wheat.

Do You Know The Risks of Fiber Diet Supplements?

It’s spring and, like many of my patients, you may be trying to get some extra weight off before summer and swimsuit season arrives.  I’ve recently been asked about those expanding fiber diet products many have seen advertised on television and the Internet.  The ads claim they cause you to effortlessly lose weight without changing your diet or exercise routine. I’d like to explain the pros and cons of using some of these products and let you be the judge of whether you want to use them or not.