793 results found for: Cancer

Food: A Powerful Medicine Against Cancer

WASHINGTON – What we eat is strongly and intricately linked to our health. No food or nutrient is a

Antioxidants And Lung Cancer Connection

A study reported on February 28, 2017 in  Frontiers in Oncology reveals an association between increased intake of carotenoids and vitamin C and a lower risk of lung cancer. Martine Shareck and colleagues utilized data from a study that involved 1,105 cases of lung cancer and 1,449 subjects without the disease. Subjects were queried concerning the intake of 49 fruits and vegetables during the two years prior to cancer diagnosis or the date of the interview, and responses were analyzed for the intake of alpha carotene, beta carotene, beta cryptoxanthin, lycopene and vitamin C. Among those whose intake of alpha carotene […]

Brussels Sprouts: A Mighty Cancer-Fighting Vegetable

Brussels sprouts may be small but they offer big benefits. These mighty sprouts represent a cancer-fighting powerhouse and are part of the cruciferous cabbage family which have more cancer-preventative nutrients than any other category of vegetables. They contain a chemical called sinigrin that suppresses the development of pre-cancerous cells, causing them to self-destruct. The sulfur-containing compounds in Brussels sprouts are what activate the cancer-fighting enzyme systems in your body. They are delicious and take on an almost creamy texture when they are roasted with olive oil, a little salt, pepper and a splash of lemon juice. Brussels sprouts, pomegranate, and […]

1 Alcoholic Drink A Day Increases Breast Cancer Risk

Just one glass of wine or other alcoholic drink a day significantly raises the risk of breast cancer, while vigorous exercise such as running and bicycling reduces it, according to an expansive review of research on the effects of diet, nutrition and physical activity on the disease. The report, which was issued Tuesday, concluded that drinking the equivalent of one small glass of wine, beer or other alcohol a day – about 10 grams of alcohol – is linked to an increased cancer risk of 5 percent for pre-menopausal women and 9 percent for post-menopausal women. A standard drink has […]

These Are The Top 50 Foods To Prevent Cancer

Here are the Top 50 Foods to prevent cancer. So many whole foods are considered anti-cancer for reasons ranging from fiber content to anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It has been estimated that 30–40 percent of all cancers can be prevented by lifestyle and dietary measures alone so what you eat definitely matters. Here is the ultimate FoodTrients® list of the top 50 foods to prevent cancer. Mix and match these healthy whole foods to include them in your diet daily to reduce your risk today. 1.      Apples An apple a day is great advice when it comes to preventing cancer. […]

Can Grape Seed Extract Prevent Colon Cancer?

Research conducted at Pennsylvania State University indicates that grape seed extract and resveratrol, which occurs in red grapes, can suppress colon cancer stem cells. The study was reported in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. “We are particularly interested in targeting stem cells because, according to cancer stem-cell theory, cancerous tumors are driven by cancer stem cells,” explained coauthor Jairam K.P. Vanamala, who is an associate professor of food sciences at Penn State. “Cancer stem cells are capable of self-renewal, cellular differentiation and maintain their stem cell-like characteristics even after invasion and metastasis.” In human colon cancer stem cell cultures, a […]

Is There A Link Between Cancer And Deodorants?

Doctors say there’s no connection between breast cancer and deodorants/antiperspirants. But has this

Revolutionary Diet Combats Cancer, Boosts Energy

What if cancer isn’t a genetic disease after all? What if scientists are chasing a flawed paradigm, and

Eating More Tomatoes Fights Skin Cancer

An article that appeared online on July 11, 2017 in Scientific Reports reveals a protective effect for

How Zinc Helps Fight Esophageal Cancer

On September 19, 2017, the journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (The FASEB Journal