Aguas frescas are popular, refreshing fruit drinks found in Mexico. Some roadside vendors add chia seeds to their drinks for extra texture. When soaked, the seeds develop a soft outer coating, somewhat like tapioca. Chia seeds add more than just a textural dimension to fruit drinks; they also provide detoxifying fiber and the anti-inflammatory omega-3s. Their nutty flavor goes well with peach tea and strawberry lemonade. They’re also nice mixed into sweetened green tea.
2 Tbs. white chia seeds
1/2 cup water
3 sliced strawberries
2 Tbs. lemon juice (about 1 lemon)
2 Tbs. agave nectar or honey (optional)
1 cup cold water
1 cup chilled peach tea
1/4 cup crushed ice
1. Soak the chia seeds in the water for 1 hour.
2. To make the strawberry lemonade, combine the strawberries, lemon juice, and agave nectar or honey. Mash with a wooden spoon until the fruit is well crushed. Add the cold water and stir well.
3. Combine the peach tea and the strawberry lemonade in a pitcher. Add the chia seeds. Top with crushed ice.
Vitamin C