March 24, 2020

Turmeric Is a Top Anti-Inflammatory

Turmeric is a root, like ginger, that has anti-inflammatory properties. Growing up in southeast Asia, I became very familiar with turmeric root. I love its bright yellow-orange color and its zingy flavor. In India, turmeric is used to give curry its yellow color. In America, it’s mostly seen as a dried powder and added to chicken-flavored soups or sauces. Turmeric is so good for us, I think it’s time we expanded our diets to include spicing fish and other foods with it. Anti-inflammatories help keep our arteries young and less likely to clog, our skin from turning red or scaly, […]
June 18, 2019

Foods That Fight a Pain in the Joint

Summer is just ahead. That means the days are longer and it’s time to get active. If the thought of picking up that tennis racquet or trying on those hiking boots makes you dread achy knees and shoulders, start thinking about how what you eat can help protect your joints and other moving parts. Obesity and age also contribute to the degeneration of joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disease where the body’s defenses attack itself, in this instance, cartilage surrounding the joints. Unlike osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis presents in both sides of the body—both knees, both hips, etc. RA […]
January 14, 2019

Broccoli Steps It Up With Miso

Plain veggies can be boring but doctoring them up with savory miso and spices can make anyone a lover—even of broccoli, cauliflower, or kale. Japanese miso is a fermented soybean paste you can buy in the refrigerated section of natural food stores. Miso tastes salty and savory; some people describe it as earthy. White miso paste, which is preferred in Kyoto, Japan, has a more delicate flavor than brown or red miso paste. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts contain slightly bitter compounds that may help kill cancer cells. Miso provides probiotic bacteria for a healthy gut. […]
October 9, 2018

Who Knew Licorice Had So Many Benefits?

Often found on the candy shelf in red and black varieties, licorice is so much more than a snack at the movies. In fact, licorice products manufactured in the U.S. often don’t even contain any licorice root at all. Licorice is actually an herb native to the Mediterranean, Russia, Asia and the Middle East that contains the anise oil responsible for the classic aroma and flavor of black licorice. This flavor can be polarizing – some people love it and others avoid it – but it does have many uses for the health of the body and has been used […]
February 27, 2018

Anti-Inflammatories Are the Secret Ingredients To Longevity

We hear about inflammation a lot, but what does it really mean? Put very simply, inflammation is our body’s immune system response when something is wrong, whether it’s infection, stress, or injury. Unfortunately, more studies are showing that inflammation plays a significant role in most of the diseases plaguing our society, including arthritis, heart disease, irritable bowel disorders, Alzheimer’s, Type 2 diabetes and even cancer. So what can we do to fight it? The good news is that there are many foods that calm inflammation in a variety of ways. They’re anti-inflammatories and they keep our arteries young and less […]
October 27, 2016

Gingerroot Black Tea

A delicious tea that’s especially festive for the holiday season is my recipe for Gingerroot Black Tea from The Age Gracefully Cookbook. The fresh ginger in the tea provides protection from inflammation thereby easing arthritis and allergy symptoms. Black tea has many healthful properties including flavonoids, which help strengthen blood vessel walls and improve concentration. Ingredients ¼ inch gingerroot, peeled and sliced thinly 2 black teabags 2 cups boiling water 2 rock sugar stirrers (optional) Procedure 1. Combine the gingerroot and the teabags in a pitcher with the boiling water. Steep for 1-3 minutes; strain. 2. Pour into two teacups; […]
October 25, 2016

Tomato Soup With Curry

When it comes to fruits and vegetables, there’s no reason to limit yourself to fresh items only. Especially when your refrigerator is nearly empty, you cannot underestimate the potential of pantry staples like heart-healthy canned tomatoes and anti-inflammatory coconut milk. Combined with some carrots and a little dried curry powder, they easily transform into a flavorful soup that’s ready to be enjoyed in well under an hour. Try it on its own or with Vegetable Crackers from The Age Beautifully Cookbook. SERVES 2 Ingredients 2 Tbs. toasted sesame oil ½ cup diced red onion 2 carrots (about ⅔ cup), peeled […]
August 21, 2016

Why Are My Cookbooks Different?

Through the years I have seen the connection between healthy food
August 1, 2016

What Foods Can Help Us Detox Our Bodies?

We can overwhelm our liver and its ability to pull toxins out of our body; yeast and parasites can inhabit our bowels; and secondhand smoke and air pollution can affect our lungs. So, about once every few months, or whenever I’m not feeling well, I go on a detoxification regimen. I like to cleanse my whole system through herb-spiked liquids, healing foods, and nutritional supplements. Pure water may be the ultimate detoxifying flush for kidneys, liver, lungs, and bowels, but green tea is also excellent.  Here is a list of my top 10 favorite detoxing foods: Artichokes Daikon radish Chia […]