April 26, 2011

Turmeric Rice

This rice is mildly spiced because it’s designed to go with Grace’s Turkey in Turmeric Sauce. If you want the rice to carry most of the flavor, substitute coconut milk for half of the water. Then serve it with grilled turkey, chicken, or fish. Either way, you get both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits from the fresh turmeric. YIELDS 2 cups Ingredients 1 cup jasmine rice ½ cup Fresh Turmeric Juice or 1 tsp. turmeric powder 2 cups water Procedure 1. Rinse rice under running water once. Drain and set aside. 2. Combine the turmeric juice or powder with 2 cups […]
March 29, 2011

Turkey in Turmeric Sauce

Turmeric, an anti-inflammatory, is a main ingredient in Indian curries. With its bright yellow color, turmeric pairs beautifully with poultry and fish. Its mild flavor goes well with garlic. Coconut milk has been much maligned for its saturated fat, but new research has revealed that its medium-chain fatty acids increase HDL, or “good” cholesterol, not LDL, or “bad” cholesterol. The fat in coconut milk supports the flavor of turmeric very well. For this recipe, I use only the thick liquid at the top of the can of coconut milk. To get double the turmeric benefits, serve it over Grace’s Turmeric […]
March 28, 2011

Getting Started with FoodTrients

Whether you’re 21 or over 50, your health is important. And what supports a healthy body more—inside and out—than the foods you eat? The recipes in The Age Beautifully and  The Age GRACEfully Cookbook are designed to make good food that is loaded with anti-aging ingredients a joy to eat. Here’s a primer to help you maximize your enjoyment with your FoodTrients cookbooks. What Is a FoodTrient? Wholesome foods have nutrients our bodies need to maintain optimum function. The recipes in the cookbook and on the website are presented around an organizing principle I call FoodTrients— the powerful nutrients that promote health, […]
March 28, 2011

FoodTrients Cookbooks

Defy aging with every bite of Grace O’s recipes from FoodTrients. From exotic ingredients from around the world to familiar food favorites, Grace O’s recipe for aging beautifully offers the benefits of disease-preventing nutrients, anti-inflammatories, antioxidants, immune-boosting foods, more mental agility, AND beautiful skin. Within weeks of incorporating the nutrient-rich and research-based recipes provided in both of Grace O’s cookbooks
March 23, 2011

Turmeric Is a Top Anti-Inflammatory

Turmeric is a root, like ginger, that has anti-inflammatory properties. Growing up in southeast Asia, I became very familiar with turmeric root. I love its bright yellow-orange color and its zingy flavor. In India, turmeric is used to give curry its yellow color.