February 26, 2024

You CAN Eat Your Way to Beautiful

BEAUTY FoodTrients that promote beauty help lead to vibrant skin and hair, and help keep eyes healthy. Recipes that include beauty-promoting ingredients are below. For more Beautiful recipes, click here. Certain foods like melons, citrus, Chile peppers, fish, and whole grains are full of FoodTrients that promote beautiful skin, shiny hair, and strong nails. Watch this video to learn more, and read about the compounds that promote beauty in this story: Beauty Foods Help You Look Younger. Learn more about the FoodTrients’ foods for Beauty from our nutritionist Ginger Hultin: Beauty Is So Much More Than Skin Deep FoodTrients recipes […]
February 1, 2023

Beauty Foods Help You Look Younger

What foods can you eat to help you look younger and promote healthy smooth skin, strong nails, and shiny hair? Fruits, vegetables, melons, peppers, grains, nuts, mushrooms, and fish containing the FoodTrients anthocyanins, carotenoids, omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, and vitamins C and E, as well as copper, silica, and Superoxide Dismutase (SOD). Let’s explore these one at a time and see why they’re so good for our complexion, nails, and hair. Anthocyanins improve capillary function. Your capillaries bring blood to your skin and are therefore very important for optimum skin health. You can get anthocyanins in your diet by eating […]
January 21, 2014

FoodTrients: A Recipe for Beauty

We all know by now that the right foods can help us maintain a healthy weight, keep our arteries unclogged, and reduce inflammation. But antioxidant-rich foods also help us to stay beautiful and keep our skin looking youthful and glowing. Hydrating, collagen-building foods help skin remain smooth and elastic and they also strengthen hair. Foods rich in carotenoids give skin a warm glow and keep the eyes healthy. Hydrating foods, like oats, rice, cucumbers, mangoes, asparagus, and strawberries, contain silica, a mineral that helps form collagen to keep skin elastic. Silica also strengthens hair and renders it less likely to […]