You CAN Eat Your Way to Beautiful

FoodTrients that promote beauty help lead to vibrant skin and hair, and help keep eyes healthy.
Recipes that include beauty-promoting ingredients are below. For more Beautiful recipes, click here.
Certain foods like melons, citrus, Chile peppers, fish, and whole grains are full of FoodTrients that promote beautiful skin, shiny hair, and strong nails. Watch this video to learn more, and read about the compounds that promote beauty in this story: Beauty Foods Help You Look Younger.
Learn more about the FoodTrients’ foods for Beauty from our nutritionist Ginger Hultin:
Beauty Is So Much More Than Skin Deep
FoodTrients recipes that promote Beauty include:
Chaat Masala Spice Blend for Beauty
For some more of Grace O’s dishes that will promote beauty and make you smile, check out these recipes.
Buy our latest cookbook, Anti-Aging Dishes From Around the World, for more BEAUTY-enhancing recipes.