June 1, 2024

The Broad-Spectrum Protection of Anthocyanins

Consumers hear a lot today about “healthy foods” that are shown to prevent disease. Missing from news broadcasts are details about how to benefit from specific plant components that published studies document help protect against degenerative disorders. In seeking to clarify their knowledge base, scientists are focusing a lot of research on compounds known as anthocyanins, which provide berries and other plants with their rich deep red and purple colors and have been proven to combat multiple pathways of disease. In this report, we provide you with research findings about various anthocyanin-rich plants and how you can access their disease […]
June 1, 2024

Learn How Anthocyanins Can Improve Your Health

Anthocyanins: Powerful Antioxidant Protection Extensive research confirms that the most powerful antioxidant berries are those that contain a class of polyphenols known as anthocyanins. These nutrients create the deep red, blue, and purple pigments found in plants such as blueberries, elderberries, blackberries, and açaí. Berry anthocyanins strongly combat oxidative stress, a causative factor in the pathogenesis of many major diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), cancer, and allergic disorders. In a new development, scientists are suggesting that superior free-radical defense is just part of the berry benefit story. CLICK HERE: Learn more in Uncovering The Broad-Spectrum […]
October 10, 2023

Anti-Inflammatory Foods: the Top 10

There’s a connecting between inflammation and anti-inflammatory foods and lifestyle that’s important to your health. What you eat has a big influence. Inflammation is a natural response of the body in times of illness or stress. For example, if you cut your hand, you would experience pain, redness, swelling, and irritation to the area. This is inflammation that you can see – and it’s an important part of healing — but this response also happens internally and if left unchecked, can cause chronic health problems. Chronically elevated inflammation is associated with cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s and other cognitive issues, type 2 […]
February 25, 2023

We’re Crazy for This Coconut Rice Cake

Eat this chewy cake warm. It’s great plain or drizzled with my berry sauce for extra antioxidant power. Be sure to use the chewy variety of rice flour sometimes called sweet white rice flour or mochiko. You can substitute fresh or frozen blackberries for the boysenberries. You can use gluten-free baking flour instead of the cake flour, and xylitol instead of sugar. Coconut Rice Cake Coconut contains lauric acid, which improves cholesterol balance and protects prostate health. Berries are full of anthocyanins, which inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Serves 6-8 Ingredients 2 eggs (organic, free-range, or omega-3-enriched) ½ cup […]
May 30, 2022

Amazing Gooseberries

I just love berries! Not only are they sweet and delicious, but they are loaded with healthful antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin C and fiber. Soon we’ll be heading into prime berry season. Strawberries are already here, and June marks the prime time for blueberries, raspberries and boysenberries, and other berries. There are scores of recipes and serving ideas for them. But there is another berry that’s available starting now in late spring that’s a little different and a nutritional powerhouse — Indian gooseberries, also known as amla fruit. The fruit is about the size of blueberries and looks sort of […]
November 17, 2020

Easy Banana-Almond-Berry Breakfast Cookies

A no-refined-sugar cookie that you can readily enjoy for breakfast will streamline your morning routine and add legit nutrition to the most important meal of the day. Ingredients: 2 ripe bananas, mashed 2½ cups old-fashioned whole rolled oats 1 cup almond butter ⅓ cup honey ½ cup sliced almonds ½ cup dried cranberries ½ tsp. vanilla extract ½ tsp. ground cinnamon ¼ tsp. salt Directions: Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Line baking sheets with parchment paper. In a medium bowl, mix together all of the ingredients until well combined. Scoop ¼-cup mounds of the batter onto the parchment paper and […]
September 10, 2019

Chaste Tree Berry: It’s Good for Migraines

Weight management, acne, fertility, menopause – there are so many reasons to make sure hormones are balanced properly. When they’re not, the body can communicate in strong (and undesirable) ways. Herbal supplements can help and chaste tree berry – also called vitex and vitex agnus-castus – is one that shouldn’t be ignored. A shrub native to Mediterranean regions, it has a long history of medicinal use, especially for hormone abnormalities and gynecological issues in women. Vitex is used for: Menstrual disorders (painful menses, lack of menses, heavy menses) PMS and menopausal symptoms Infertility in women Increasing lactation Acne Migraine and […]
August 20, 2019

Super Foods We Should Always Cook With

Living a healthy lifestyle is one of the most important things you can do to slow down the aging process. This includes eating whole foods, exercising daily, not smoking, and keeping alcohol consumption to a minimum.  Maintaining a healthy weight is right up there too for protecting your body against the threat of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardio vascular disease. When I advise my patients to be mindful of the foods they eat in order to keep them looking and feeling good, I am often asked the same question: “ What are the best foods for me […]