May 30, 2022

Age Beautifully with FoodTrients

As I’ve been telling my story these past few years about how I developed an anti-aging cookbook based on the food-is-medicine principle called FoodTrients, I’ve expanded my method for creating delicious, comforting recipes designed to keep you young, healthy and beautiful. It’s a lot easier than I imagined, and it’s the focus of The AGE BEAUTIFULLY COOKBOOK: Easy and Exotic Longevity Secrets from Around the World. The recipes are mainly quick and easy to make, and will introduce readers to age-defying foods and flavors from around the world, with a focus on beauty that emanates from the inside. As I […]
November 5, 2018

Chia Seed Southwestern Fettuccine

Most Americans are probably familiar with chia pets—clay pots shaped like animals that you fill with chia seeds and water.  The chia seeds sprout and grow green “fur” on the clay pot.  Few people who own those chia pets, however, realize that chia seeds are not only edible—sprouted or not—but they’re also wonderful for your health. The ancient Aztecs of Mexico began eating unsprouted chia seeds over 500 years ago. In the Mayan language, “chia” means “strength.” The tiny seeds come in white or black varieties and are native to Mexico and Guatemala. Today, Mexicans drink chia frescas: chia seeds stirred […]
August 1, 2016

What Foods Can Help Us Detox Our Bodies?

We can overwhelm our liver and its ability to pull toxins out of our body; yeast and parasites can inhabit our bowels; and secondhand smoke and air pollution can affect our lungs. So, about once every few months, or whenever I’m not feeling well, I go on a detoxification regimen. I like to cleanse my whole system through herb-spiked liquids, healing foods, and nutritional supplements. Pure water may be the ultimate detoxifying flush for kidneys, liver, lungs, and bowels, but green tea is also excellent.  Here is a list of my top 10 favorite detoxing foods: Artichokes Daikon radish Chia […]