August 21, 2018

Diet Associated With Healthy Cellular Aging

Women, take note! Eating a healthy diet could help promote healthy cellular aging, finds a study. According
August 21, 2018

The 7 Day Hydrating Meal Plan

Drinking water is essential.   It balances body fluids. Your body is composed of about 60 percent water and performs vital functions such as protecting your organs and tissues, regulating your body temperature and carrying nutrients and oxygen to your cells—essentially it keeps your body running like a well-oiled machine. It keeps skin looking healthy. Water moisturizes your skin and functions as a protective barrier to prevent excess fluid loss (think free anti-aging cream). In addition, it can keep your skin fresh and smooth. It boosts the immune system. Those who guzzle water are at a lower risk of getting sick. This crystal-clear concoction […]
August 21, 2018

This Could Lead To Blindness As You Get Older

I’ve mentioned several times how getting older can affect your eye health. That’s why I’m interested in keeping your eyes, as well as the rest of you, healthy.  I’ve just learned of new research that sheds some light on a certain risk factor – especially for men – for developing cataracts.  I think you’ll be as surprised as I was to learn what this risk factor is… Men and Eye Disease:  Your Waistline May be The Culprit Think about it.  What would your life be like if your vision became so impaired that it stopped you living like you do now? There’d […]
August 7, 2018

Are These 8 Nutrients Missing in Your Diet?

More than 90 percent of Americans fall short of meeting estimated average requirements for at least one vitamin or mineral. A big part of the problem? A diet heavy in nutrient-poor, refined and highly processed foods. Another culprit: modern farming techniques, particularly the practice of planting vegetable and fruit varieties that increase yields but result in less nutrition per bite. Getting the nutrients you need not only helps you avoid deficiency-related conditions, but also may increase your energy levels, keep your immune system in top shape and ward off chronic diseases. So eat as healthfully as you can, and use […]
July 31, 2018

Mediterranean Diet Might Help Ease Psoriasis

The Mediterranean diet may also help improve psoriasis, a new study suggests. “Psoriasis is a chronic
July 24, 2018

Is Poor Diet Behind The Teenage Mental Health Crisis?

Fiona Hunter, one of the UK’s leading nutritionists, takes a look at the possible correlation between the emerging mental health crisis in teenagers and how this could be linked to the lack of vital vitamins and minerals in teenagers. This week, research found that young people aged 16 to 25 are the unhappiest generation in a decade, with one in four feeling ‘hopeless’ on a regular basis, and nearly half having experienced a mental health problem. Eating a healthy balanced diet is not usually high up on the ‘to-do’ list for most teenagers and young adults – one reason is […]
June 28, 2018

5 Reasons to Test for Celiac Before Going Gluten-Free

A rapidly growing number of people are turning to gluten-free diets to cure all kinds of ailments. If the removal of gluten results in symptoms decreasing or disappearing, then all is well, right? Not so fast. There are very important reasons to get tested for celiac disease before you eliminate gluten from your diet, and we’ve got the 5 main reasons detailed for you here. The Gluten-Challenge If you decide to test for celiac later on, you’ll have to do a gluten challenge. Celiac testing (which includes blood tests and an endoscopy), looks for your body’s reaction to gluten and […]
June 20, 2018

Eat Early and Fast Late to Improve Blood Pressure

A pilot study conducted at LSU’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center shows that eating all your meals by midafternoon and fasting the rest of the day improves blood sugar control, blood pressure and oxidative stress, even when people don’t change what they eat. “Ours is the first study in humans that shows consuming all of your calories in a six-hour period provides metabolic advantages compared to eating the exact same amount over 12 hours or more, even if you don’t lose weight,” said study co-author Dr. Eric Ravussin, Pennington’s associate executive director and director of the Nutrition Obesity Research Center. “Our data also indicate that our […]
June 20, 2018

10 Tips to Live to 100!

One of my patients, I’ll call him Joe, is a younger-than-his years 72-year-old businessman.  I generally see him about once a year for his annual checkup.  When I ask how he’s doing, with a big, energetic smile he always answers, “1 year closer to 100!”  I smile back and tell him I’m counting on him to keep his promise.  That’s Joe’s goal – to live to “at least 100”.   I’ll bet he’s going to make it by the very slow rate he’s aging.  Maybe you’re wondering if you could live to 100. Well, I’m happy to tell you that the […]