May 20, 2024

Sacred Cow: Making a Case for (Better) Meat 

We’re told that if we care about our health—or our planet—eliminating red meat from our diets is crucial. That beef is bad for us and cattle farming is horrible for the environment. But science says otherwise. Beef is framed as the most environmentally destructive and least healthy of meats. We’re often told that the only solution is to reduce or quit red meat entirely. But despite what anti-meat groups, vegan celebrities, and some health experts say, plant-based agriculture is far from a perfect solution. In Sacred Cow: The Case For (Better) Meat, registered dietitian Diana Rodgers and former research biochemist […]
January 30, 2023

Try Buffalo Sliders with Sweetened Cranberries

  I chose buffalo meat because it’s almost always raised on grass. Grass-fed meat (whether it’s buffalo, steer, or lamb) is higher in omega-3 fatty acids, lower in omega-6 fatty acids, and leaner overall. Dark red fruits like cranberries really complement red meat, so I decided to work them into the burger patties. Note:  If you can’t find bison meat, you can use any grass-fed meat or even ground turkey for this recipe. For an optional topping, you can make a goat-cheese spread to top the burgers by mixing 1/4 cup goat cheese with 1/2 tsp. of roasted garlic, 1/2 […]
March 6, 2022

The Lowdown on Plant-Based Meat Substitutes

One of the hottest topics to come out of the world of food and nutrition was the broad introduction of plant-based meats, specifically patties that mimic beef burgers. Two companies, Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat, are at the forefront of providing meat substitutes that really taste like ground beef. The question from a FoodTrients standpoint is: are these products more healthful than beef patties? Do they have what it takes to benefit your well-being? Who’s the Target Audience? First thing to know about these plant-based meat substitutes is that veggie burgers have been around for decades. Remember Boca® Burger and […]
October 7, 2020

Travels with Protein: Welcome to Our Tour de Boeuf!

Beef is a little controversial for several reasons. First, many popular cuts of beef such as prime rib, filet mignon and short ribs are pretty high in
August 11, 2020

Healthy or Unhealthy? 10 Common Foods

For years, diet specialists, and many doctors, have told you that certain foods were forbidden for either losing weight, keeping cholesterol down, or some other health reason.  Similarly,
July 8, 2019

Pasture Prime: The Benefits of Grass-Fed Beef

I love good-quality beef, particularly grass-fed beef. In fact, when I think of typical American food, I think of steaks, hamburgers, roast beef and more. In the Philippines, where diets consist mostly of fish, pork and chicken, I was lucky enough to grow up in a household where we had access to beef. As a child, hamburgers and steaks were among my favorite foods. As I got older, I began to limit how much and how often I ate beef. Today, I restrict my meat eating to grass-fed, organic beef. Besides being delicious and versatile, beef is a powerhouse of […]
May 22, 2018

Meat, Dairy And Prostate Health Knowledge

Many of my male patients enjoy eating red meat and consuming dairy products on a regular basis. Indeed, red
May 29, 2017

Are You Game to Try Exotic Meats?

Our Stone Age (Paleolithic) ancestors subsisted on whatever they could catch, gather, pluck or hunt. Animals that they caught for food were naturally grass fed, lean and high in omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins and cancer-fighting selenium, yet low in inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids. Much of today’s “factory farmed” animals for food are fed grain and pumped with antibiotics, steroids and growth hormones, all of which can be toxic in certain amounts. Eating wild game is a delicious experience. Meats like venison, elk, bison, wild boar, rabbit and ostrich are highly flavorful, lean and full of FoodTrients. Here are just […]
February 13, 2017

Some Condiments Can Make You Sick

High-protein foods like meat or seafood don’t contain much histamine when they are fresh, but the longer they are cured or stored, the more histamine they contain. When you think of histamine, you think of allergies and sneezing right? But histamine is actually a neurotransmitter and release is activated by any outside ‘invader’ such as pollen. We make histamine in our cells, then dump it out after exposure to a trigger. But we might also be eating histamine on a daily basis. By eating certain foods you unintentionally raise an ‘allergy’ chemical. Maybe you don’t mean to, but that’s what […]