Anti-Aging Medicine wouldn’t be complete without proper respect being given to this behind-the-scenes amazing nutrient that literally helps hold your entire body together – collagen. It is the second most common substance in your body next to water. Not only does it help “knit” your skin together to keep your skin from sagging but it also helps the ligaments and tendons supporting your joints, stay strong to keep you mobile long into your older years. But what I’d like to tell you about here is the amazing anti-aging benefits that collagen can have on one of your most important organs […]
Staring at your gadgets, computer, as well as television constantly, can harm your vision. Make sure you
Having trouble reading a menu or need more light reading a magazine or newspaper? If you answered yes and are over 40, join the club! Millions of people in your age group find their vision is not as sharp as it used to be, have trouble reading labels on food packages in the grocery store, and find they are squinting more and more trying to read traffic signs! It’s a fact of life. More and more middle aged Americans experience vision impairment of some form or another from simple inability to read fine print to cataracts, which affects more than […]
Eyesight is a critical sense to protect, especially as a person ages. Macular degeneration, cataracts and other age-related deterioration of the eyes are real concerns. You may have heard suggestions such as “eat more carrots to improve your eyesight” or seen supplements targeted towards eye health. Does diet make a difference and are supplements indicated? Read on to learn more about foods and supplements for healthy aging of the eyes. The vitamin with the largest body of research in support of eyesight is vitamin A; likely the reason you’ve been told to eat your carrots as a child. Orange vegetables […]
Sunglasses that provide maximum UV protection can still be fashionable. Your time outside can quickly lead to an increased risk of exposure to dangerous ultraviolet (UV) rays that can cause a sun spot on the white of the eye called a pinguecula. These may look yellow in appearance and cause irritation over time. Moreover, long-term exposure to harmful UV rays can cause the formation of cataracts, leading to blurred vision and can ultimately require cataract surgery to correct. Unfortunately, most people aren’t doing enough to protect their eyes from the sun, even if they are aware of the risks. Consider […]
I look around at this beautiful Earth and the people I love and I think, I never want to lose this gift! Eyesight is
If eyes are the windows to the soul (and an excellent indicator of overall health) there’s good reason to make sure they’re looking vibrant and healthy this season. And with abundant holiday stressors—plus potentially scant shut-eye—it’s even more important than ever to care for your peepers. Luckily, DIY tricks and natural ingredients can smooth out lines, calm puffiness and tackle the dreaded dark circles, according to Sunny Subramanian, coauthor of The Compassionate Chick’s Guide to DIY Beauty (Robert Rose, 2016). Take a peek. PUFFINESS, REDNESS The Cause: There is a range of reasons you may experience unsightly red or swollen areas around the […]
Defy aging with every bite of Grace O’s recipes from FoodTrients. From exotic ingredients from around the world to familiar food favorites, Grace O’s recipe for aging beautifully offers the benefits of disease-preventing nutrients, anti-inflammatories, antioxidants, immune-boosting foods, more mental agility, AND beautiful skin. Within weeks of incorporating the nutrient-rich and research-based recipes provided in both of Grace O’s cookbooks
The inspiration for my empowering FoodTrients program—this website, the cookbook, my board of advisors—really came from my father. He was a physician and he had a way of looking at food as though it could heal us. He understood the value of the vitamins and minerals found in fresh foods and how those elements could influence our health. Foods like organic fruits and vegetables, wild fish, and humanely raised animals have so many good things in it: antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, anti-inflammatory agents, fiber, and anti-bacterial compounds. I needed to come up with a term to encompass the […]
Defy aging with every bite of Grace O’s recipes from FoodTrients. From exotic ingredients from around the world to familiar food favorites, Grace O’s recipe for aging beautifully offers the benefits of disease-preventing nutrients, anti-inflammatories, antioxidants, immune-boosting foods, more mental agility, AND beautiful skin. Within weeks of incorporating the nutrient-rich and research-based recipes provided in both of Grace O’s cookbooks — first came THE AGE GRACEFULLY COOKBOOK: The Power of Foodtrients to Promote Health and Well-being for a Joyful and Sustainable Life and now THE AGE BEAUTIFULLY COOKBOOK: Easy and Exotic Longevity Secrets from Around the World — along with exercise […]