July 7, 2015

Gluten-Free Jerkey

It’s not easy to find gluten-free snacks that are packed with protein. While jerky certainly fits the bill, the market is dominated by jerky products that contain gluten. Those who don’t often use less than desirable ingredients and have cross-contamination issues. That’s why we can’t wait for Think Jerky, a gluten-free jerky product featuring all natural ingredients, sustainable farming practices, and exciting, creative flavors. Think Jerky has developed the first line of chef-crafted, artisan beef jerky. Not only is Think Jerky gluten-free, it’s also healthier than other jerky on the market, using ½ of the salt and ⅓ of the […]
February 17, 2015

Cheerios Going Gluten-Free!

Breakfast options just got a whole lot more exciting! General Mills announced yesterday that beginning this July, five Cheerios products will be going gluten-free: Original Cheerios, Honey Nut, Multi-Grain, Apple Cinnamon and Frosted. This decision is said by General Mills to be years in the making and a reaction to as much as 30% of Americans avoiding gluten in their diets. What grains are Cheerios made from, anyway? How will they be made now? And why did it take General Mills three years to make this change? We’ve got the scoop for you as well as an awesome video from […]
November 11, 2014

Babies and Celiac: The Role of Genetics and Breastfeeding

We all dream of our babies inheriting what we consider our best qualities: patience, spontaneity, cleverness, or ocean blue eyes. What we don’t want is to pass celiac on to our little ones. Many parents have this concern, and there is a lot of new research and information available that better clarifies what we need to know about babies and celiac. What are the symptoms? When should my baby be tested? Should I give my baby gluten, or avoid it entirely? Is there anything I can do to help prevent celiac from developing? There may just be.   Celiac, which […]
October 14, 2014

Coming Soon: Test Your Food for Gluten in Real Time

I think this is the most excited I’ve ever been for the development of a product to help us folks who eat a gluten-free diet. Do I have you on the edge of your seat now? A company called 6SensorLabs is currently building a device which will allow you to check your food for gluten and see the results in real-time on your mobile phone. This is huge news, because I (and many of you) get sick and worry about getting sick far too often. Even the most well-intentioned wait staff and chefs are sometimes unaware of gluten hiding in […]
May 20, 2014

3 Key Gluten-Free Carbs

When you found out you had to follow a gluten free diet, you probably had some anxiety. How were you going to eliminate major staples like bread, pasta, and cereal from your diet? The reason why it’s so difficult is because these foods are omnipresent throughout the average American diet. For the cereal-eater, breakfast becomes tough. For the sandwich-eater, lunch becomes challenging. For the pasta-eater, dinner becomes a struggle. The fact is, carbohydrates are important—and these grain-based foods are the ones most people are familiar with. The Importance of Carbohydrates and Differentiating Between Good and Bad  Carbohydrates provide energy to […]
May 6, 2014

The 7 Best Gluten-Free Pizza Delivery Places

There’s nothing like a good pizza. The combination of melted mozzarella, spicy sauce and warm crust is enough to make me drool as I write this. Since cutting gluten out of my diet I have experimented quite a lot (and in my humble opinion, perfected) making gluten-free pizza crust. But to be honest, what I miss the most is coming home after a long day of work and being able to pick up the phone and order a pie when I don’t have the energy to cook. When first starting out on a gluten-free diet, a lot of people think […]
April 8, 2014

Introducing Gluten-Free Girl Scout Cookies…

As some of you may know, this past year graced us with some exciting news regarding Girl Scout Cookies. For the first time, Girl Scouts are now offering a gluten-free cookie! The cookie, a bite sized, chocolate chip shortbread cookie, boasts no artificial flavors or colors, no high fructose corn syrup, palm oil or hydrogenated oils, and of course no gluten. They will come in a 5-ounce re-sealable pouch. This year is a pilot test of the cookie and it will unfortunately only be available through 20 Girl Scout councils (you can click here to find out where). The good […]
March 18, 2014

Why Gluten-Free Living Is Popular (and Isn’t Just a Fad)

While you and I know that gluten-free isn’t just a passing fad, a lot of people out there ask why gluten-free living is all of a sudden so popular.
February 25, 2014

Gluten-Free Pasta Primer: An Intro to Popular Pasta Types

Learning to navigate the gluten-free aisle at your local grocery can be difficult, and the pasta section can be especially frustrating. Corn noodles? Quinoa? Brown rice? While the ever rising selection of