February 13, 2024

Try These Top 5 Gluten-Free Hot Cereals

Winter mornings can be tough. Waking up when it’s still dark out, the cold of the floor when climbing out of bed and the thought of the inevitable frosted car windshield never fail to make a person want to crawl back under the covers. Cold cereal in the winter just didn’t cut it, because the versatility of deciding what to add to hot cereal was much more appealing. Fresh berries, slivered almonds, flax, raisins, brown sugar, the possibilities really are endless! Oats were problematic and cream of wheat was completely off limits. What other options are out there? It is relatively simple to […]
January 16, 2024

5 Delicious Gluten-Free Slow Cooker Recipes

Gluten-free eating and cooking can be difficult, and once it gets cold outside, your options are even more limited. What’s an (aspiring) gluten-free chef to do? Break out your slow cooker. This is your secret weapon to tackle 3 of the biggest problems about making meals at home: convenience, health, and taste. Well, guess what: the slow cooker can make anyone look like a good chef. To show you the power of a slow cooker when it comes to gluten-free cooking, here are 5 of our favorite gluten-free slow cooker recipes, broken down to savory meals and sweet treats… Savory, […]
December 6, 2023

3 Favorite Gluten-Free Side Dishes for Holiday Menus

It’s time to admit it, when it comes to holiday dinners, the side dishes are really the best part. A moist piece of turkey is delicious, and we can’t knock a juicy ham, but the true joy in our bellies comes from the tasty side dishes like savory stuffing and creamy green bean casserole. Unfortunately, a lot of those dishes tend to be forbidden territory for folks on a gluten-free diet. But fear not! There are loads of mouth-watering gluten-free holiday side dishes to make your dinner as warm and satisfying as your holidays! Here are a few ideas for […]
November 19, 2023

3 Delicious Gluten-Free Stuffing Recipes

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, it’s time to get your menus and recipes in order! Thanksgiving  a favorite holiday for many, and while it can be a bit of a challenge to recreate the meals that we remember from childhood, it’s fun to try a variety of recipes that might help create new memorable dishes. One of the most difficult challenges for Thanksgiving is figuring out how to create the perfect gluten-free stuffing. After lots of time in the kitchen, some mishaps and disappointments, we’ve gathered three of our favorite gluten-free stuffing recipes for you. Hopefully we can help you […]
October 25, 2023

Celebrate Halloween with GF Pumpkin Recipes

Happy Halloween! In the past we’ve written about how careful you need to be on behalf of your little ones to make sure their trick-or-treating ends safely. For example, double check at home to make sure everything is sealed and gluten-free. While you could argue it is safer with better gluten-free labeling in 2014, never rest on your laurels and assume what has always been gluten-free still is: check all labels for any potential changes! But instead of talking about safe trick-or-treating, this year we wanted to celebrate Halloween with a more positive approach and talk about three awesome gluten-free pumpkin recipes that […]
September 26, 2023

Is Celiac Disease Caused by A Common Virus?

A new study is beginning to shed light on this. Researchers recently discovered that infection with reoviruses may play a role — a finding that could be bringing us closer to a vaccine for celiac disease. Researchers of this groundbreaking study, including Dr. Terence Dermody, chair of the Department of pediatrics at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine in Pennsylvania, say their findings indicate that vaccination against certain viruses could potentially help prevent celiac disease. The researchers published their results in the Journal Science. What Do Reoviruses Have To Do with Celiac Disease? Dr. Dermody and his colleagues have […]
September 11, 2023

Back to School? Gluten-Free Lunch Ideas

Preparing school lunches for our gluten-free kiddos is no simple task. While kids can often times be picky eaters making mealtime complicated no matter the location, school lunches introduce even more factors: Will the food keep until lunch time? What if his lunch is different from everyone elses and he is embarrassed? What if the other kids make fun of him? What if he doesn’t understand the severity of his intolerance and is buying school lunch without telling me? Read on for tips on how to navigate this process, and suggestions for gluten-free lunch ideas that your munchkins will love! […]
August 30, 2023

Do You Know What Your Ideal Diet Is?

Most nutritionists agree there is no one dietary pattern that’s ideal for everyone. In addition to your unique combination of genes, medical history, cultural and family background, taste preferences and daily living patterns, you apply your own set of values to your eating approach. Some people may focus on preventing or managing disease, others on protecting the environment, some on managing weight, others on enjoying what they eat and so on. Prioritizing what matters to you can help determine your eating style. The six dietary patterns discussed here have dominated headlines over the past few years. We’ve tapped nutrition experts […]
July 20, 2023

Exercise May Help Manage Celiac Disease

When thinking about controlling celiac disease, one generally thinks about food -specifically, adhering to a strict, gluten-free diet. But recent research is suggesting that this may be only a piece of the puzzle. In addition to diet, moderate exercise could also help with managing celiac disease. It’s well known that regular exercise can have multiple health benefits, including weight control, increased bone health, improved nutrition, better blood circulation, lower risk of depression, better sleep, and a reduced risk of multiple diseases and ailments. One recent study suggests that moderate exercise may also help manage celiac disease by improving inflammation in the body. A […]