August 30, 2023

Take a Tropical Vacation with These Recipes

If you dream of going to a tropical paradise for a relaxing vacation, but you can’t get away anytime soon, we’d like to bring a little paradise to you with some delicious ideas for tropical fruit treats. Just a whiff of these succulent fruits will take you away to the beach and thoughts of relaxing under a palm tree. You’re probably familiar with mangoes, papayas and pineapple. But there are so many fruits we don’t see often in the U.S. And most of these exotic fruits are full of FoodTrients® including vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, and more. Full disclosure: You won’t […]
August 17, 2023

Cold Tea Brews a Boost for the Brain

When it’s hot out, a cup of iced tea is very refreshing, and the benefits far outweigh so many other drinks on the market. The theaflavins in both green and black teas help improve blood flow, keeping your skin fresh and your brain young. Because tea is so beneficial, I’ve developed many recipes with it for my cookbook. One of my simplest tea recipes is Pomegranate Iced Tea. I simply blend pomegranate juice with brewed black tea that has been chilled. Catechins found in black tea inhibit the growth of cancer cells, stimulate metabolism, act as an anti-inflammatory, and can help […]
August 16, 2023

It’s a Picnic, So Let Them Eat Cake!

No one lives by bread alone. Every so often you need something delicious, like cake. I truly believe that eating well doesn’t mean sacrificing the foods you love or special treats. With an eye toward healthful ingredients and the right kind of recipes, you can make luscious desserts like cake work for you. Both of my cookbooks contain indulgent recipes that provide important nutrients such as antioxidants, vitamins and fiber. Now that it’s summer, I enjoy taking picnics to the beach or outdoor concert venues like the Hollywood Bowl. When it comes to dessert, you want something that will pack […]
July 31, 2023

Summertime Is Tops for Tasty Tomatoes

When I was in Italy not long ago, the tomatoes were so incredibly fresh and sweet, that I looked forward to finding tomatoes like that at home in Los Angeles. Now that it’s summer, it’s the perfect time to look for tomatoes at local farmers markets to see what’s organic, fresh and in season. I am always drawn to the variety of tomatoes that are available in the summer. The flavor is nothing like those pale, sad things you see in the supermarket in February. During the summer I’m inspired to use tomatoes in just about everything from appetizers and […]
July 18, 2023

Beautiful Bounty: The Stone Fruits of Summer

It’s so easy to eat well in summer! I get inspired every time I walk through a farmer’s market or even the produce section of the supermarket. There are so many stone fruits and melons available and right now they are at their peak. You just can’t go wrong creating desserts and salads from fruits like peaches, nectarines, apricots and the new pluots and apriums, which are hybrids created by crossing plums and apricots. In addition to the delicious taste there are plenty of health benefits from eating stone fruits. For instance: As a collagen booster: A cup of sliced […]
July 18, 2023

It’s Summer: Create Your Own Ice Cream Flavors

When it comes to preparing food, I like to go all out. Cooking brings me such joy that I’m willing to go to any length to share the pleasures of the table with others. When the weather turned warm this year, I decided it was time to make ice cream. I have a small ice cream maker for home use, but I quickly realized it wouldn’t produce enough to feed all of my family and friends. So, I bought a professional ice cream machine. And then I bought a blast freezer to go with it, to freeze the ice cream so […]
July 18, 2023

Summer Meets Grill for BBQ Ribs and Sliders

When I think back to my most pleasant summer memories, I think about cooking outside.  Most of the time that means grilling . . . and one of my favorites — barbequed ribs. Whether you use a traditional charcoal barbecue or a gas barbecue (my preference because you can control the heat more precisely), foods come out tasting delicious—almost magically so. And while most of us think of protein on the grill, fruits and vegetables come out brilliantly — the direct heat caramelizes whatever produce you’re grilling, deepening the flavor. For a delicious starter, try my recipe for Grilled Artichoke with […]
July 4, 2023

Summer Produce Brings a Bounty of Recipes

Let’s just start by saying that in summer, just about ALL fruits and vegetables are at their peak. With all the rain we had in California last winter, the quality of the local produce is more spectacular than usual. The summer months are the best time of year for enjoying produce prepared in the simplest methods. These fruits and vegetables are not only refreshing and delicious during hot summer days but also often have high water content, which can help keep you hydrated. Remember to choose fresh, locally sourced produce whenever possible for the best flavor and nutritional value. Tomato […]
July 4, 2023

Mediterranean Superfoods Are Health Heroes

You have probably heard of the Mediterranean Diet. Besides conjuring visions of sipping chilled prosecco overlooking a sparkling sea, this way of cooking and eating is a heavily plant-based diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, herbs, fish, lean meats (in moderation) and monounsaturated oils, such as olive oil. It’s a true farm-to-table diet that relies on locally produced/caught/raised foods. In a number of studies, people who live around the Mediterranean in Southern Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, and Greece, as well as countries such as Croatia, Israel and Morocco, and live a mostly agrarian life tend to have lower incidences […]