June 20, 2023

Cooling Off with Exotic Summer Smoothies

If you’re like me, I am always looking for ways to cool off in the hot summer weather. Who can think of cooking or eating in this weather? When it’s like this, I just want to drink my meals and what could be better than icy-cold smoothies that are full of healthy FoodTrients!  Just for fun, I created several more exotic smoothie recipes with a few of my favorite fruits from Southeast Asia. Don’t be frightened by the fierce-looking jackfruit. It’s a native of Southeast Asia and probably first appeared in India. Jackfruit is a nutritional staple in tropical countries. It […]
June 6, 2023

Asparagus: The Fabulous, Finicky Vegetable We Love

Asparagus may be a finicky vegetable, but there are lots of reasons to eat it. It has lycopene, which lowers cancer risk, aids cognitive function, and promotes prostate health. Asparagus also contains Vitamin C, which helps the body resist infection, prevent cataracts, and regenerate tissue. Asparagus is a source of the soluble fiber inulin, which can suppress your appetite. There’s also an array of B vitamins in this popular vegetable, including B1, B2, B3 and B6. It also encourages digestive health and contains vitamin K, which acts as a natural diuretic. On top of that, along with vitamin K, asparagus […]
June 6, 2023

Got a Skillet? Then Let’s Bake a Cake

Do you have a cast iron skillet among your pots and pans? I do, and I have to admit that I have a love/hate relationship with it. The thing is heavy! I can barely lift the nine-inch one with one hand. And cleaning them is something else. You’re not supposed to use soap—just scrape, rinse and dry immediately. Don’t leave it wet or you risk rust! It should be stored seasoned with a little neutral oil (like avocado) and covered in parchment so it doesn’t mess up your other pans. BUT– The way a cast iron skillet cooks food is […]
May 22, 2023

Give Your Day a Lift With Mangosteens

When mangosteens are in season, from May to September, I can’t wait to get my hands on some to eat fresh and in my delicious chutney. I know that these exotic treats, sometimes called purple mangosteen, will soon be gone. These beautiful little fruits are about the size of a baseball. Dark purple in color, they have a tough outer shell. The top is crowned with small green leaves and the bottom is stamped with a flowerlike shape. They almost look manufactured, but this is how God makes them. You have to carefully cut a line around the tough outer pericarp—the […]
May 10, 2023

Need a Lift? Try These Good Mood Foods

We’re well into spring, so presumably your mood has already lifted from a couple of months ago. But it certainly makes sense that what you eat has lots to do with how you’re feeling about yourself and the world. With longer hours of sunshine (which helps your body use vitamin D for bone health) and the bounty of spring fruits and vegetables available, it’s easy to avoid nutritional deficiencies that increase inflammation within the body, which can contribute to a number of maladies and diseases. For example, there is evidence that depression can be caused by a low-level inflammatory disorder […]
May 10, 2023

Miraculous Mushrooms Are a Food Powerhouse

Most of the people I know have very strong feelings about mushrooms—they either love them or hate them. One of the beauties of mushrooms is that they usually take on the flavor of whatever they are cooked with. If it’s garlic and olive oil, that’s what they taste like. If they’re in a spicy Asian stir fry, they take on those flavors. One thing is certain — mushrooms are healthy little powerhouses of immunity boosters, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Rich in B vitamins such as riboflavin, folate, thiamine, pantothenic acid, and niacin, they are also the only vegan, non-fortified dietary […]
April 24, 2023

Seafood Delivers Oceans of Great Recipes and Benefits

  As you probably know, 72 percent of the Earth’s surface is covered by water. Having been born in an island nation, the Philippines, seafood was frequently on the menu at our house. The variety of seafood all over the world is astounding. When you think about it, seafood is one of the last “wild’ foods we eat. What makes seafood such an ideal FoodTrient, is that it’s: Nutrient-dense – For the number of calories in a three-ounce portion, seafood provides good amounts of vitamins A, B, and D, as well as omega-3 fatty acids and 30-40% of the daily […]
April 24, 2023

Ashitaba: A Longevity Herb I Eat Every Day

Ashitaba has been used for centuries for many conditions and is known as the ‘longevity herb.’ For that reason and many others, I eat some leaves every day. I just buy the plants and keep them in pots outside, but I also like Sun Potion’s Organic Ashitaba powder, which was pretty pricey on Amazon, but there are other brands for less.  Believe it or not, I found it for much less money on Thrive.com. You can buy organic plants and seeds on Strictly Medicinal Seeds. Why should we care about ashitaba? Ashitaba shows evidence of exhibiting anti-inflammatory (Ai) and antioxidant (Ao) effects, […]
April 24, 2023

Foods That Can Help You Fight Allergies

When pollen is flying through the air on a spring or summer breeze, foods that reduce allergy symptoms can be a lifesaver. Eating specific compounds—such as the FoodTrients omega-3 fatty acids, curcumin, gingerol, oleuropein, and quercitin, as well as probiotics—go a long way toward reducing the swelling of nasal passages and the production of antihistamines. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in large, deep-water fish, whole grains, and nuts. You can also take omega-3 supplements daily to help fight inflammation. Curcumin is an ingredient of the spice turmeric. I have a few recipes using turmeric if you need some ideas for […]
April 11, 2023

EggCeptional International Egg Recipes

Is there any more perfect food than an egg – both to look at and to eat? The pristine white or café au lait brown ovals are so full of promise.  The rich golden yolk is quivering with possibilities. Besides being beautiful, eggs are nutritional powerhouses and prime FoodTrients. They are rich sources of selenium, vitamin D, B6, B12 and minerals such as zinc, iron and copper. Eggs contain fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K and are a source of high-quality protein at a mere 84 calories each. Their inexpensive yet high-quality protein content makes you feel fuller longer […]
March 28, 2023

Slow Cooking Is Fast, Easy & Affordable

I had never used a slow cooker until a few years ago when someone gave me one as a sort-of joke. To tell the truth, I’ve come to love it! You throw in a few ingredients in the morning, you come home in the evening and dinner’s ready. The Crock-Pot debuted for home cooks over 40 years ago as a method to cook dried beans. It became an efficient way for homemakers and busy people to serve affordable, tender, delicious meals using inexpensive cuts of meat, making it easy for moms and dads to prepare wholesome meals every day. Crockpots and […]
March 14, 2023

Eastern European Favorites Walk on the Lighter Side

Eastern European foods are not necessarily known for their healthy attributes. In general, the foods of countries including Russia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Lithuania and the Czech Republic are heavy on meat, sour cream and lard or chicken fat. However, they are delicious comfort foods, no matter where in the world you or your ancestors hail from. In the spirit of FoodTrients, I’ve adapted some recipes to make them lighter, more healthful versions of the originals. Here are a few of the guidelines I used to make these recipes more modern and health-friendly: Add vegetables – By increasing the […]
February 25, 2023

Soup Recipes Warm It Up for Winter

On freezing winter days, nothing warms you up more than a hot, hardy bowl of soup. Add to that a variety of ingredients that boost your immune system, and you’ve got the makings of a perfect cold-weather meal. While we don’t have the severe winter weather that much of the country has, we do have chilly winter nights here in California.  On those nights, I love to come home and prepare a delicious soup. Here are six of my favorite soup recipes that I hope you will enjoy. Potato Kale Soup Serves 4 This Balkan-inspired recipe has clean, bright flavors that […]