247 results found for: Longevity

The Top 30 Proteins for Longevity

Protein is very important for strong muscles and bones. Lean protein helps achieve weight loss. I love meat—it has riboflavin, vitamin B12, tyrosine, and the FoodTrient zinc—but I enjoy it in moderation, which protects against cardiovascular disease. I also am careful about eating cured meats, which can aggravate joints and promote gout. Whenever possible, I use grass-fed beef over corn-fed beef because cows were created to eat grass, not corn. The meat from animals that graze grass—cows, lambs, or even buffalo—contains more of the good-for-you omega-3 fatty acids and less of the bad-for-you omega-6s. And I make sure I buy […]

Apple Polyphenols and Longevity

In the last year alone, scientists from three different laboratories have published studies that demonstrate how polyphenol molecules derived from apples extend life span in various species by as much as 12%. These researchers are unraveling the various mechanisms of action that give apple polyphenols such promise as anti-aging nutrients. Initial findings show that apple polyphenols modulate multiple signaling molecules to delay the onset of age-related disorders. They may also mimic the actions of calorie restriction, a known antiaging technique. One polyphenol, phloridzin, which is heavily concentrated in the skin of the apple, also potently suppresses several processes leading to glycation, […]

Okinawa: The Land of Longevity

Exploring the world’s blue zones (or, “longevity hot spots”) provides clues as to why certain people live longer

Chamomile Tea Linked to Longevity

Love chamomile tea? You’ll probably love it even more after hearing about the results of this study. Why? Because a recent investigation conducted by the University of Texas showed that chamomile may actually help extend life. The results of the study were published in the journal The Gerontologist. Chamomile Tea Linked to a 29% Decreased Risk of Death Chamomile is one of the most popular herbs on the planet. And for good reason. It tastes great and it has a medical reputation that goes back thousands of years. For the current study, researchers analyzed data from 1,677 Mexican-Americans living in five […]

Ashitaba: The ‘Longevity Herb’ Is a Plant with Real Promise

By Ginger Hultin, MS, RDN, LDN Known as the ‘longevity herb,’ Ashitaba is used medicinally for many conditions and shows evidence of exhibiting anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. This herb is native to Japan and though used primarily in Asia both in the diet and as a dietary supplement, is gaining popularity in the U.S. because of its promising health effects. There are many other names for Ashitaba including Japanese Ashitaba, Angelica keiskei, Kenso or Leaves of Tomorrow. Ashitaba leaves are consumed within the diet as food or juiced in some cultures but can also be used in powdered form or topically. The […]

California’s Longevity Hotspot

The U.S. is known for its skyrocketing rates of obesity and diabetes. But there’s a pocket of people (around 9,000) who have been found to live relatively longer and healthier life, on average. They are the Seventh Day Adventists of Loma Linda, California. People from this region tend to live about 4–10 years longer than the average Californian and make up one of the longevity hot spots in the world. So what is it about this community that makes them special? Below, we’ll examine their lifestyle and habits. How Do They Compare to Other Americans? The Loma Lindans are the […]

Cameron Diaz Wrote the Book on Longevity

Cameron Diaz has just written a book that every woman should know about – The Longevity Book: The Science of Aging, the Biology of Strength, and the Privilege of Time.  Diaz, now 43, spoke about her new book to a sold-out crowd in Santa Monica at a Live Talks LA event on April 11. She was interviewed by noted film director and writer Nancy Meyer, who directed Diaz in The Holiday. The Longevity Book is a personal, practical, and authoritative guide that examines the art and science of growing older and offers concrete steps women can take to create abundant […]

Ashitaba: A Longevity Herb I Eat Every Day

Ashitaba has been used for centuries for many conditions and is known as the ‘longevity herb.’ For that reason and many others, I eat some leaves every day. I just buy the plants and keep them in pots outside, but I also like Sun Potion’s Organic Ashitaba powder, which was pretty pricey on Amazon, but there are other brands for less.  Believe it or not, I found it for much less money on Thrive.com. You can buy organic plants and seeds on Strictly Medicinal Seeds. Why should we care about ashitaba? Ashitaba shows evidence of exhibiting anti-inflammatory (Ai) and antioxidant (Ao) effects, […]

Top 10 Life-Extending Herbs for Longevity

Herbs have been used in traditional and folk medicines for centuries for treating illness. People throughout the ages also had something on their minds that we still do today…longevity. Some herbs do in fact have research indicating they help with healthy aging for a variety of reasons. Whether an herb is improving sleep, lowering stress, or boosting antioxidant status, they are likely working against biological processes that cause the body to age. DNA damage, free radical damage and dysfunction of the body on a cellular level all may contribute to aging issues including disease of the heart, neurological system, or […]

Gingko Biloba Boosts Memory & Longevity

The herb Gingko biloba, or gingko for short, has been used medicinally both in Europe and the U.S. since the 1700s though it is native to China, Japan and Korea. Though it is one of the most frequently prescribed herbal remedies in Germany currently, there is evidence of ancient Chinese healers describing this herbs medicinal properties. Used to treat many health conditions, gingko is especially used for cognitive function including for memory improvement and even for longevity, possibly because of its link to cardiovascular health support. Read on to learn more about the potential benefits as well as the risks […]