423 results found for: MIND

Medical Tests For People Over 50

It’s a New Year, and many of my patients are coming in for their annual check-ups. Maybe you’re scheduled to visit your doctor for your annual physical as well. I always like to remind my patients of the old Ben Franklin adage – “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Nothing could be truer where your health is concerned. Prevention, however, comes in many forms, from making sure you get the optimal nutrition, rest, and exercise to being proactive and getting the right medical tests to screen for any possible issues. If you’re over the age of […]

FoodTrients Cookbooks

Defy aging with every bite of Grace O’s recipes from FoodTrients. From exotic ingredients from around the world to familiar food favorites, Grace O’s recipe for aging beautifully offers the benefits of disease-preventing nutrients, anti-inflammatories, antioxidants, immune-boosting foods, more mental agility, AND beautiful skin. Within weeks of incorporating the nutrient-rich and research-based recipes provided in both of Grace O’s cookbooks

Foodtrients Benefits Icons

What is a FoodTrient?

The inspiration for my empowering FoodTrients program—this website, the cookbook, my board of advisors—really came from my father.  He was a physician and he had a way of looking at food as though it could heal us.  He understood the value of the vitamins and minerals found in fresh foods and how those elements could influence our health.  Foods like organic fruits and vegetables, wild fish, and humanely raised animals have so many good things in it: antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, anti-inflammatory agents, fiber, and anti-bacterial compounds.  I needed to come up with a term to encompass the […]

colorful fruits and veggies

Why We All Need FoodTrients

Defy aging with every bite of Grace O’s recipes from FoodTrients. From exotic ingredients from around the world to familiar food favorites, Grace O’s recipe for aging beautifully offers the benefits of disease-preventing nutrients, anti-inflammatories, antioxidants, immune-boosting foods, more mental agility, AND beautiful skin. Within weeks of incorporating the nutrient-rich and research-based recipes provided in both of Grace O’s cookbooks — first came THE AGE GRACEFULLY COOKBOOK: The Power of Foodtrients to Promote Health and Well-being for a Joyful and Sustainable Life and now THE AGE BEAUTIFULLY COOKBOOK: Easy and Exotic Longevity Secrets from Around the World — along with exercise […]

fresh vegetables

Getting Started with FoodTrients

Whether you’re 21 or over 50, your health is important. And what supports a healthy body more—inside and out—than the foods you eat? The recipes in The Age Beautifully and  The Age GRACEfully Cookbook are designed to make good food that is loaded with anti-aging ingredients a joy to eat. Here’s a primer to help you maximize your enjoyment with your FoodTrients cookbooks. What Is a FoodTrient? Wholesome foods have nutrients our bodies need to maintain optimum function. The recipes in the cookbook and on the website are presented around an organizing principle I call FoodTrients— the powerful nutrients that promote health, […]


BOOKS WORTH READING If you’re interested in being healthy, aging well, looking younger and just enjoying your life a lot more, the following is a list of good books that might be able to help:

Anti-Aging Part 1: Nutrition and Sleep

Research has proven that just by making some adjustments to your lifestyle, and paying more attention to optimum nutrition, sleep, exercise and relaxation, you can prevent many of the physical and mental signs of aging. In Part I of this 2-part series, then, I’d like to explain to you what aging really is and how optimal nutrition, adequate sleep, and relaxation can keep you youthful long into your 90s! Up until about 20 years ago, dealing with aching joints, wrinkles, low testosterone, menopause, insomnia, fatigue, and a host of other symptoms was thought to be an inevitable part of aging. […]

Health Advantages Of SuperGreens: Part I

Did you eat your veggies today? For some people the answer to this question is a resounding yes! While others find it hard to force down two veggies a day never mind the 5-9 servings recommended by leading health experts.

Foods We Should Cook With

Living a healthy lifestyle is one of the most important things you can do to slow down the aging process. This includes eating whole foods, exercising daily, not smoking, and keeping alcohol consumption to a minimum. Maintaining a healthy weight is right up there too for protecting your body against the threat of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardio vascular disease. When I advise my patients to be mindful of the foods they eat in order to keep them looking and feeling good, I am often asked the same question: “ What are the best foods for me to […]

lotion on skin

Beautiful Skin Needs To Be Chemical Free

In our ever advancing and constantly changing society, let’s get back to some of the basics—the basics of food and the earth. While technology and growth are amazing, chemicals and hormones in our food and body products is not so amazing. If we are trying to “eat organic” and “healthy,” why are we okay with putting chemicals onto our skin? What goes onto our skin goes directly into our bloodstream, including all our wonderful smelling lotions, shampoos, cleansers, toners, make up, and perfume. Even if something says it’s “organic” you still have to read the label—unfortunately! The Organic Consumers Association’s […]