980 results found for: Blood Pressure

5 Age-Fighting Power Foods

We’ve all come across a few people who look nowhere near their age—and we’d love to know their secret. In a bid to look great and keep ourselves healthy, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with so much “stuff” out there. In order to help you make sense of what’s being sold, we decided to look at five of the more realistic and expert-backed helpful hints. 1. Stock up on wine and chocolate. Most of us have heard news about red wine being good for us in moderation—very encouraging for wine lovers! Red wine has resveratrol. According to some research, resveratrol […]

Is Breakfast Really the Most Important Meal of the Day?

Author Jonathon Goldstein once said, “Everyone runs around trying to find a place where they still serve breakfast because eating breakfast, even if it’s 5 o’clock in the afternoon, is a sign that the day has just begun and good things can still happen. Having lunch is like throwing in the towel.” Maybe for many of us breakfast represents that “new day dawning” attitude, but is there really something more to it — physiologically speaking? There’s no doubt that one of the most popular statements ever made in nutrition and medicine is that breakfast is the most important meal of […]

Bodybuilder Used Diet to Regain Health

Brad Morris knew that losing weight would not be easy. Yet he knew that

Cocoa May Help Aging Brain Function

People who ate high or moderate levels of cocoa flavanols for two months improved significantly in some thinking assessment tests, a U.S. food expert says. “A study in the journal Hypertension found elderly people with mild cognitive impairment given dietary flavanols from chocolate did better on cognition tests,” Phil Lempert, a food industry analyst, trend watcher and creator of supermarketguru.com, said in a statement. “They also experienced a decrease in insulin resistance, which helps regulate blood sugar, as well as improvements in blood pressure, compared with those who consumed only small amounts.” Flavanols are a type of flavonoid — the […]

beet orange juice

Detox Juice

This Detox Juice will help rid your system of heavy metals, cleanse your liver, and clean out your colon. The chlorophyll in watercress helps to purify the blood of toxins. If you can’t get fresh watercress, you can use spirulina powder in its place. The orange peel adds a spicy tartness to the juice. The beets are to sweeten up the mixture and give it a beautiful color, but they bring disease-preventing anthocyanins to the glass as well along with nitrate which reduces blood pressure and iron. The vitamin C in the oranges helps the liver function optimally. And the […]

Green Foods

“What’s all the hype about eating green foods?” This is a question many of my patients are asking me more often these days. It seems everywhere you look there is some mention of going green in one way or another. People are not only becoming more conscious about preserving the environment, they also want to protect their bodies from everyday pollutants. Choosing foods described as “detoxifiers” are considered good for the liver and helpful in ridding the body of food preservatives. Detox diets usually recommend cutting out many foods with additives, along with meat and dairy products to combat what […]

Pomegranate Season Arrives

October ushers in pomegranate season in Lebanon, bringing this healthy and delicious fruit

In Pursuit Of The Finest In Dark Chocolate

            The rich aroma, the robust flavor tingling on every taste bud, the tantalizing, satisfying feeling you get afterward. Nothing beats a high quality piece of chocolate, especially dark chocolate. Whether you’re enjoying it as a quick snack or diving into a decadent dessert, you know how important the right chocolate is. If you’re in pursuit of the finest dark chocolates, you have no further to go. Picking the finest in dark chocolate is like picking a fine wine, you need to research, study and know what separates quality from mediocrity. Let’s take a journey […]

Jujubes Are Small ‘Apples’ With Big Benefits

  The Chinese have been growing and eating jujubes for over 4,000 years. Jujube, or Chinese date, trees are shrub-like with thorny branches. The fruits are shaped like small apples that are green when unripe and turn brownish red. As they ripen and age they wrinkle and shrink to the size of a large date. The flesh of the fruit is most like an apple when it’s unripe. As it ripens it becomes soft and spongy. Asians generally steep slices of jujubes in hot water and make a jujube tea. Sometimes they reduce the tea on the stove and add […]

Thanksgiving dinner

Have a Healthy and Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving doesn’t have to be a carb-loaded, over-eating frenzy. You can make satisfying, healthy, anti-aging food choices for this holiday that will leave you feeling thankful for indulging. Take turkey, for example. I cook at least four turkeys each Thanksgiving because I usually have about 30 people over for dinner. Turkey contains tryptophan, which produces niacin, giving us energy. Tryptophan also builds the hormone serotonin, which helps ensure healthy neurotransmitters in our brain. Turkey also contains the FoodTrient selenium, a detoxifying antioxidant. You don’t have to drown your turkey in fatty gravy. It can be deliciously sauced using healthier ingredients. […]