190 results found for: Bones

Spice It Up with Top 35 Anti-Aging Flavorings

I like my food to be very flavorful. And I’ve learned that my spice chest can also be my medicine cabinet. So when I begin to create a recipe, I reach for the oils, herbs, spices, and sweeteners that will do my body good. I’ve picked out my Top 35 flavorings so that you, too, can defy aging while you cook. Fats are a very controversial subject. Butter, in particular, has gone in and out of favor with nutritionists over the last 20 years. Today the consensus is that butter, in moderation, is actually better for your arteries than margarine, […]

10 Ways To Eat Healthy and Save Money

  Eating healthy on a budget is not just achievable, it’s an excellent way to energize your body and mind without straining your wallet! Changing your diet (for the better) and buy less expensive, yet still high quality foods is key.  You might be surprised to know that there are many relatively inexpensive foods that can actually improve your health.  A few of my patients shared some of the ways they were able to cut their food bills, and I’d like to pass those on to you – my readers.  I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how well you […]

Holistic Approach Renders Coach Cancer Free

After accepting the head coaching position with the Marin Catholic High football program in the spring of 2010, Mazi Moayed was understandably excited. He was taking over a team which had just played for a state championship and which appeared positioned for future success as well.

Regenerate Joints With Vitamin D

Are aching, creaking joints making your simple daily activities uncomfortable?  For many of my patients, joint pain prohibits them from exercising and that’s not a good thing.  I have to tell them that sore, aching joints does not have to be a function of getting older. The truths is, sore, aching joints and bones, are more likely due to nutritional deficiencies, specifically Vitamin D! That’s right.  In fact, many health researchers believe there is an epidemic of Vitamin D deficiency today, especially amongst older people. Most of my patients, like many people across the country, are deficient in Vitamin D. […]

Top 4 Reasons Why You Need A Personal Trainer

If you’re over-50, maybe closer to 60, you may have put your fitness goals on the back burner.  Maybe you have some ankle, knee or hip joint pain, or maybe you have some back issues that have put the damper on your exercise routine.  Yet, you know you need to exercise if you’re going to stay healthy and active as you get older. Well, seems like there’s just the solution that was custom made for your generation – Personal Trainers.  Here’s how they can help you reinvest in your fitness goals. Stay Motivated to Achieve Fitness – Consult a Personal Trainer […]

What Are the 7 Top Foods To Fight Cancer?

I have long believed that people can transform their health with the foods they eat. I encourage patients with a wide array of conditions to examine their diets in addition to using traditional treatments and medicines. For some, adopting a healthy diet full of produce, whole grains and lean protein can improve symptoms through weight loss. For people with certain diseases, choosing foods with unique, wellness-promoting qualities can provide a major boost to their health. For those seeking to actively prevent cancer, the foods you eat can bring big health benefits. Countless studies have been done on the effects of different diets or […]

No Time For The Gym? One Simple Device Can Get You Fit – Fast!

Many of my patients are busy  just like you still working, maybe traveling a lot, and just can’t seem to find enough time to get in a much-needed regular workout.  Well, no more excuses!  I’d like to tell you about this 1 little device that is not only portable and can be packed easily into your suitcase, but it’s easy to use, inexpensive, and, best of all, produces great muscle strengthening results.  It’s called a Resistance Band and I’d like to tell you how could benefit from them. The 1 Piece of Exercise Equipment You Must Own I’m sure you’ve […]

Finding New Roads to Healing

On Tuesday, October 29, the Astoria Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Sylmar invited its community of physicians and service providers to attend an open house event focused on New Roads to Healing and featuring health experts in the fields of nutrition, longevity, brain health, stress and heart disease.

Royal Jelly: A Superfood Fit for a Queen (or King!)

In the world of alternative medicine, the health benefits of some products can get hyped as “superfoods” and are all the rage for a while.  Then, it seems they fade away when they become replaced by the newest craze.  But some “superfoods” truly stand the test of time both in the health benefits they offer and their stability of popularity over the years.  I’d like to tell you about one of these products – a superfood fit for Queens (and Kings!) – whose health benefits you can depend on. This Superfood Gives Your Health The Royal Treatment Bees have been […]


Eating Healthy All Winter

What is the easiest way to get in shape for your summer vacation? It’s eating healthy during the cold winter months and skipping the beach-body crash diets of years past. As soon as temperatures start rising, I see patients trying to lose the extra pounds that crept on around the holidays and stayed through the winter. I’m here to tell you how to maintain a healthy body with smart seasonal eating so you can avoid the summer diet panic. We all know crash diets are unhealthy and rarely effective. The key to healthy weight loss is replacing processed unhealthy foods with better […]