709 results found for: Weight Loss

The 10 Best Muscle Building Foods

Like many of my over-40 patients, you’re probably trying to stay healthy and active as you get older.  Great! Yet, many of you may not know that once you pass the over-40 milestone you can lose as much as 8% of muscle mass every 10 years.  That means by age 60, you could have lost as much as 16% muscle mass! And it accelerates even further after the age of 75.   But this doesn’t have to be the case if you take measures to prevent it. Let me tell you about the 10 best foods that can make a big […]

Do You Know The Risks of Fiber Diet Supplements?

It’s spring and, like many of my patients, you may be trying to get some extra weight off before summer and swimsuit season arrives.  I’ve recently been asked about those expanding fiber diet products many have seen advertised on television and the Internet.  The ads claim they cause you to effortlessly lose weight without changing your diet or exercise routine. I’d like to explain the pros and cons of using some of these products and let you be the judge of whether you want to use them or not.

Hypoglycemia: How To Manage Low Blood Sugar

I frequently see patients complaining that they can get “spacey”, i.e., unable to concentrate, words a little jumbled

January 16, 2013 Newsletter

There’s nothing like a good cup of hot tea on a cold winter day. But hot tea offers many more benefits for your health. This week Grace O focuses on tea’s powerful antioxidants that help our hearts, protect against cancer, and enhance weight loss. FoodTrients also reports on the World Congress on Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, and we are giving away another Crock-Pot. Read More


Time for the Younger (Thinner) You Diet

Dr. Eric Braverman hit the New York Times bestseller list with his first book Younger You. In his second book, Younger (Thinner) You Diet: How Understanding Your Brain Chemistry Can Help You Lose Weight, Reverse Aging, and Fight Disease, Dr. Braverman explains the link between brain chemistry and eating. His premise is that we eat in order to gain nutrients. Since our food has fewer nutrients today than ever before in history, we are driven to eat more. This lack of nutrients plus our genetic makeup and the natural process of aging can lead to deficiencies in four main biochemicals: […]

Every Body’s Different with This Diet Plan

They say that no two people are alike

Spice It Up with Top 35 Anti-Aging Flavorings

I like my food to be very flavorful. And I’ve learned that my spice chest can also be my medicine cabinet. So when I begin to create a recipe, I reach for the oils, herbs, spices, and sweeteners that will do my body good. I’ve picked out my Top 35 flavorings so that you, too, can defy aging while you cook. Fats are a very controversial subject. Butter, in particular, has gone in and out of favor with nutritionists over the last 20 years. Today the consensus is that butter, in moderation, is actually better for your arteries than margarine, […]

Diet?! Who Said Anything About Dieting?

So the race to lose weight is in full swing. All of the ‘resolutioners‘ are packing the fitness centers and the annual

Healthy Fats & Oils Prove ‘Fat’ is Not a Four-Letter Word

A little fat isn’t necessarily a bad thing — the problem comes in choosing the right kind. With terms such as “saturated” and “partially hydrogenated” crowding up labels, it can be confusing for consumers to make healthy fat choices. Whitney Tew, M.D. of family medicine at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Birmingham, said fats are essential for the body to absorb necessary fat-soluble vitamins and function normally. “Considering the risks of unhealthy, and the possible benefits of the healthy fats, it’s better to choose unsaturated fats on multiple levels,” Tew said. Unsaturated fats are typically considered healthier than saturated fats. The […]

June 13, 2013 Newsletter

They say that no two people are alike, so does that mean there is no “one size fits all” diet plan? According to Lyn-Genet Recitas, author of the radical new weight loss book–The Plan–there isn’t. According to Recitas, your weight is nothing more than a reflection of your body’s chemical reaction to foods. You’re not eating too many carbs, or too much fat, or too many calories. You’re simply eating certain reactive foods that are triggering an inflammatory response.So what foods should you be eating? How long will it take to notice results with a new approach to eating? If […]